Bass Neck


New member
Dear Softies,

I have a 90's made in Japan Ibanez SoundGear 4 string bass guitar.
Its been lying in the studio for a long time. I remember it being a great bass till the neck would not stop warping. Its warped beyond its limit of proportionality. I cannot straighten it and i doubt anyone can too, its almost shaped like a boomerang. I plan for this bass to be a project. Where can I get a replacement neck? Kindly suggest if you know where I can pick one up.

Thanks for your assistance,

Kamal Mahtani
Sound Advice Recording Studio
Hi Kamal!

Ibanez Soundgear basses are awesome.

First thing first please check whether the bass is a neck-through bass or a bolt on bass. If it's a neck through then i suggest you do not try a project with this bass. You'll end up ruining the wood and trust me, it's expensive.

If it's a bolt-on; if i remember correctly ibanez necks have a unique heel shape to them unlike your normal fender replacement necks. If you really want to replace the neck you could either contact ibanez via swee lee and ask them if they could send you a replacement neck or approach any custom shop overseas and see if they are willing to build you a custom neck according to the specs of your old neck.

It's going to be expensive though but if you're willing to see the project through i'm sure you'll get something awesome out.

Thank you very much for your advice and sharing your expertise.
I will be meeting one of my colleagues at Beez later today to pick up his 2 guitars.
At the same time, I will bring the bass down and ask Beez for his advice too. However, I will do a check to see if it is a Neck Through or Bolted On. After which, I will take a picture and follow up with giving more information and the suggestion that Beez has for me.

Your advice is much appreciated, I will be in touch shortly.

Thanks Gentlemen,

Hey Folks,

Beez impressed me, he worked on the truss rod and it achieved results. He adviced to leave it with him for a couple of days as he mentioned putting a sheen on the bolt area. Yes it is a Bolt On,..I tried the bass after his initial adjustment and i was happy.

Thanks for your help, always learning something new.

Will update when I get it back.

To a good week!

Hi Exin,

Question, once the neck is sorted, I will be looking into pick ups and such, and i believe you will be able to advice a amateur like me on pick ups that could work for the sound gear?

I am after a modern tone as the orginal is from the 90's. A little more aggression would be nice.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.
