Bass Multi-Poll


New member
Bored...Lets list our favorite basses in these categories (i'll begin):

Passive 4-string (Rock) - Fender Precision

Passive 4 string (Others) - Fender Jazz

Active 4 string (versatile or specific tone) - Marleaux Consat Custom!!! :D (versatile and specific!!)

Active 5 string (Versatile or specific tone) - G&L L-2500 (versatile)

Active 6 string (Versatile or specific tone) - Yamaha TRB6 mach 1. (specific)

Factors like playability, looks, smell, you guys (and Tammy) go think about it, but try to choose based on mainly the bracketed criteria!
wah bro.... there you are trying to curb GAS...then you make such GAS inducing threads!! You are terminal lah.
Shut up and start replying, it's time for the GAS to take over ;) I don't play sixes though.

Passive 4-string (Rock) - Fender Precision

Passive 4 string (Others) - Fender Jazz

Active 4 string (versatile or specific tone) - Warwick FNA, specific and versatile ;)

Active 5 string (Versatile or specific tone) - Lakland 55-94 (very versatile)

Of course if I had the $, the basses would be the Lakland Bob Glaub P, Lakland Joe Osborn Jazz, Modulus Flea 4, and Lakland 55-94 :D

Passive 4-string (Rock) - Gibson T-bird

Passive 4 string (Others) - Fender Jazz

Active 4 string (versatile or specific tone) - Stingray and a Zon

Active 5 string (Versatile or specific tone) - Thumb5 and Yamaha TRB5P (Slappy slapper)

Active 6 string (Versatile or specific tone) - Zon zon zon zon zon zon zon
4 String King (Rock): Gibson T bird

4 String Queen (Rock): Rickenbacker 4001/4003, Alembic Series One

4 string active (Versatile): Warwick Thumb

4 string active (Clean, slappy): Kubicki Factor

5 string active: Gecko Warmoth, PRS

6 string active: Ken Smith, Zon
Passive 4-string (Rock) - Gibson EB-0 (the Jack Bruce Bass la)

Passive 4 string (Others) - Fender Jazz

Active 4 string (versatile or specific tone) - Pedulla Rapture

Active 5 string (Versatile or specific tone) - Yamaha TRB5/BB5000A (comfy neck)
Passive 4-string (Rock) - Fender Precision

Passive 4 string (Others) - Fender Precision

Active 4 string (versatile or specific tone) - Parker Bass...or musicman

Active 5 string (Versatile or specific tone) - Sadowsky...