bass amp what is good???


New member
Hi everyone!! I just started playing bass and i want to get a bass amp that is around 30watts. Can someone offer me some advice on what brand to get? I only tried using a ibanez amp with a MM2(from a shop) and i thought i sounds way better then the 10 watts samick guitar amp i am currently using.
if your budget is tight i'd recommend Ibanez's SW35 ... if you have a bit more cash SWR's LA12 ...
thanks for all the replies!! can anyone comment on amps from crate, hartke, vox, etc... im looking for a really full, low tone (haha! i dont really know how to describe the sound)
orcfiend said:
try increasing your budget a little and get an ampeg!!

Or an SWR! Woohoo!

Seriously, a practice amp is just for what it's name implies, for practice. There are people who wrongly assume that they can get the same deep sound they hear from their favourite artistes out of practice amps. Don't forget, those guys are using huge-ass stacks on stage. The little practice amp only has that much headroom.
hey! thanks for the advise! can anyone comment on the Roland CUBE-30 bass amp? It sure includes lots of other functions, eg. COMPRESSION
COSM AMP TYPE : OCTAVE BASS, FLIP TOP, B MAN, T.E, BASS360, SESSION, CONCERT810. Btw, does anyone know of the price range?
hmm dont think you'll need a 30watt amp for practice tho.. but up to you la. ampeg is good. the cube has lotsa effects but dont think they effects will be that good anw. can try for fun la, like jsut play ard with the sounds.. haha
dude,just get a decent amp,for that 'full low tone' you describe,your plucking hand also play a part,so better get a decent amp,brush up your skill then you can talk about that 'full low tone' ....and i think peavey microbass is a good amp for beginner,cheers
thanks for everyones comments, it sure sounds like every brands of amps are good though. If its possible,how about telling me what i should avoid instead?
RentaBass, SWR woohoo! workingman series! woot!

well best to try it out with your bass. depends on what bass you have too..if you know how to work eq then it's good to try those amps with simple eq (bass mid treble) and if you're confident you can try those with the graphic eq. peavey microbass is good and decent, but like i said, if you can increase your budget you could get a decent combo amp which you can use for years. treat it like an investment..and if you get tired of it you could always sell it :P
Trace Elliot makes some fine bass amps, a pity that there aren't too many of these around.

btw, Davis carries Ampegs now.