Bartolini VS EMG pickups

wraith said:
Nope, as far as i know, warwicks come with MEC or SD Basslines. But man, i love the tone of my barts, smooth as silk, and sits near perfectly in the mix.

Would love to own a warwick one of these days though, but must find one with a neck that won't go nuts on me.

warwick's neck quite thick loh. but love the wood.

hahaha it's a risk u gotta take for that unique WARWICK sound!

*drools at the thought of laklands up on display, barts in glass cabinets, ...*
wraith said:
Lol, warwicks would be sweet, but just not worth that risk of having the neck warp.
i suppose you could get the neck glossed. but then it wouldn't be the sound of wood anymore...

my bass teacher has a warwick streamer and the neck is still straight after 4 years. i think if you keep it in a room with a dehumidifier it shouldn't be a problem.
hahahaha me no moolah $$ to run a room with air con 24/7. and it's not exactly practical cuz when u bring it out condensation will occur.

as for dehumidifier, mm... just a little troublesome i guess.
I've left a Warwick out in my living room area (next to my dad's golf bags :/) for two weeks at a go and no warping occured. I guess it only happens when you keep turning the air-con on and off? I dunno.
No problems with my old Fortress Flashback 5 either, but I like the old all-Wenge necks better than the newer Ovangkol + Wenge necks. The old profile is also not as chunky.
we can try to hint hint to G77 .. i'm sure when alot of people start asking they'll start to see the market for such pickups ... what say you guys? ..

maybe next time when you go down you can like ask them .. "erm .. do you happen to bring in bartolini bass pickups or lindy fralin?" ..

if alot of people ask, i think they'll start to notice .. =) ..
I heard good reviews about Nordstrand pups and personally I'm saving up for the Dualcoils.

Btw our fellow groover 'Cherns' brings in Nordstrand pups.
serialthriller said:
I heard good reviews about Nordstrand pups and personally I'm saving up for the Dualcoils.

Btw our fellow groover 'Cherns' brings in Nordstrand pups.

+1.some peeps from the ernieball forum also recommend nordstrand dude
wraith said:
Lol, warwicks would be sweet, but just not worth that risk of having the neck warp.

haha! i'd take that risk! and i'd pay over and over again to get my neck straight! yea baby!
Lol, i'd take the safer option and go with a secondhand wenge necked warwick. The ovangkol ones seem to enjoy warping. :D

You use a corvette right? Or have i got my warwick models mixed up again? :P
yea a warwick corvette standard swamp ash 5 string passive. the lowest of the lowest end. heh.

actually, most standard warwicks have ovangkol necks with wenge fingerboards. so both woods are used. i doubt they make wenge necks.
Can't remember what the older warwick necks were made out of, but supposedly they are not as warp happy as the current ovangkol necks.

I like the corvette model, its a simple and good sounding bass, definitely not low end in my book. Wanted to buy one off ebay awhile back. :D
maybe a diff construction technique? or maybe because it's older and has already adapted to the humidity? anyway heck la. warwicks have a power packed sound. i'm already v happy not having a true bubinga-bodied model.
Lol, i just went to check it out, i think the older models, like pre 1998 or something had all wenge necks which were more stable than the current ovangkol ones.