Bar None Monday Sessions: One For The Road


New member

We are holding a joint promotion with Warner Bros which will be distributing 'Tenacious D: The Pick Of Destiny'. Every Monday Session we will be giving out 20 pairs of movie tickets and 20 posters. Come down in your best rocker outfit or scream for your favourite acts and we'll pass them to you!

See you on Mon 6 November!
oki, coming down tonight.

anyone know where is the cheaper place to park around there?
goodwood park is $3 per entry after 7pm
Park at far east carpark better ba.
Or can try your luck at the public carpark nearby.
Throb were excellent!!! shades of Tortoise and fusion jazzfunk but highly original stuff in its own right....pity their set seemed to have been cut short....

we need more bands like them and The Observatory, people who are accessible yet push boundaries more boring indie-emo crap puuurrlleeeese!!!!!