Bands who want to be Exposed

Hi all bands there who seriously wanna do gigs expose their talents and perform to their loved ones and friends,have a great time,get together with other bands with the same passion as you out there WE WANT YOU,WE will be organising a lot of future gigs,currently we are doing loads of research on gig venues,setting up our name and admin stuff,by hari raya everything will be done and we will be organising a gig early or late october,we are looking for as many bands as possible to keep our local music scene going,so bands out there who wanna rock the show,do pm me ur band name and one contactable number,and also P.S no age limit,letz keep local music alive,and keep rocking,Peace and out
what'smyname is intrested..!!

bro.. my band, what'smyname, is damn intrested in this... cntct us ok.. u knw who to cntc.. ;)
Hi,, our band name is LoveBullet and it is a new and fresh band looking for any chances we can get exposed in either gig or performances. We'll be gladly to participate.

90304835 - Zoulaikha
Hey, came across this post and i thought it looks interesting. But anyway, if you do need hard rock bands, you can approach my band Dirty Leather.

We cover mainly stuffs from the 80s and 90s, ranging from Bon Jovi, Mr.Big, Firehouse, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Journey, and any Rock N Roll stuffs u can think of

If interested, please contact me at 90296712. Thanks!