Bands Wanted: Wud u wanna try sumth different? Play for Greenbeats Live!


New member
The launch of Greenbeats Live - Music Movement for the Earth, a monthly music event will be happening on the 29th of June 2013 at Obama's Irish Pub, located in 54 Tras St., Tanjong Pagar, from 6PM onwards.

Greenbeats is a music community that promotes diverse music and performances to build alliances among musicians working together creatively and achieve common goals of raising awareness for sustainability.

Greenbeats will promote all types of music genres and will be having a short talk about environmental issues and in raising Green efforts to people in all walks of life through music and performances.

Greenbeats not only supports musicians in harnessing their musical abilities but also the opportunity to be highly aware of becoming Green by participating in activities that practices the 3Rs Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Greenbeats Live-Music Movement for the Earth will be having featured artistes or bands on a monthly basis, encourages networking among musicians and a short talk on different ways musicians and performers can contribute in healing our ailing environment.

Green is sexy. Lets Be Sexy... Be Green!

Featuring Bands/Musicians:
Farid Long
Abyssal Dawn
No Mojos
Zarina Zarr
Deborah Tan
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For more informations, please find us in the following:
Facebook Group:
Like our Facebook Page:

If you need help in locating our venue, The Obama's Irish Pub, Please check

If you'd want to list your band, please call or msg me at 93274849

Beverly MF
5 bands have listed so far... Any bands would want to join in? If not you're free to come and listen too... Thanks!