Bands that change musical genres during their career

SENTENCED - Melodic death metal to hard gothic rock... both is nice though...

good thing iron maiden never changed... Metallica did change abit though frough thrash to a lil country... after the album with song 'King Nothing' i am not sure wat album that is
Christina Augilera - From singer to stripper.

Britney Spears - From Clean Cut Flat Chested Teeny Pop before blossoming or bosoming to a top heavy sex kitten pop and selling shitloads of records ever since.
Mobius said:
Christina Augilera - From singer to stripper.

Britney Spears - From Clean Cut Flat Chested Teeny Pop before blossoming or bosoming to a top heavy sex kitten pop and selling shitloads of records ever since.

i don think thats is a genre change....
Madonna - She was born and raised catholic, then she became a whore, but over the last decade she studied the karbala(sp?) ....

-Taken from the Chappelle show .. haha
Genre change

I think its natural for the bands to change their genre a little dont u think?
I think there was an Offspring album where almost every song had the same beat and tempo.
And also, if u noticed, most albums nowadays have a band record a mixture of songs in the track list. Take the Goo Goos Dolls albums for example. They have rock, ballads, Emo, Orchestral?

As a producer, you dont wanna put all rock songs in one album. You wanna have variety as well.