Bands Photos for a Local Magazine


New member
Hi to all,

I am writing an article on how to take good band/singer pictures for a local teens magazine in Singapore and would love to invite all bands/singers to send in good/bad profile pictures of themselves. The photo size should be at least 1 mb and the band/singer will be credited. Do send your contacts and pictures @ . Hopefully, the next few issues, I will be able to do an interview with one of you guys. In the meantime, thanks for the help!!!
Hi to all,

I am writing an article on how to take good band/singer pictures for a local teens magazine in Singapore and would love to invite all bands/singers to send in good/bad profile pictures of themselves. The photo size should be at least 1 mb and the band/singer will be credited. Do send your contacts and pictures @ . Hopefully, the next few issues, I will be able to do an interview with one of you guys. In the meantime, thanks for the help!!!
Sound interesting! :D.

Yup, you should probably name yourself and the magazine? So more bands will be interested.