Band pages


New member
why not create something like myspace, but instead of having such as immense network, where bands who reach this quota of gigs(or whatever form of 'result's dictated) can setup this band page so ppl can view their stuff thru soft directly and not many many links in the forums?

fewer links -> more motivated to 'check out' a band -> improved knowledge of local artists.

so instead of saying 'go check it out on soft, juz do a search, u'll find it' we'll be saying things like 'check out their band page on soft!'

ppl will juz probably be tired in the searching part or get bored when they can't read up on the band but juz opinions and raves of music they dun get to hear.

juz a passing suggestion in my mind ;)
i know, it's like I compiled recording studio list for softies mainly (20+ studios) .. jamming studios listing is getting out of hand.. (40+ maybe?) and bands go by the hundreds.. see la if someone is willing to help james (soft) give him a break, this entire website/forum is run by one guy. not easy.
oh no offence meant at all or anything, I'm just sayin it's not going to be easy, cos I already feel "pek chek" doing the recording one even though it's not even close to being informative. at least you bring up this issue maybe someone will do it.

then again my "blog" idea came from this one :

if i'm not wrong it's maintained by someone from Double Yellow Line / Leaven Trait... or the girlfriend or something. something about bathroom acoustics etc..