Band Genre


New member
hello everyone, sorry if I'm asking a stupid question or this question has been answered before, but could anyone explain the different band genres?

e.g. punk rock/progressive/heavy metal/soft rock etc
maybe u could also try the the new soft inbuilt feature the wiki, still dunnoe how it works tho,
well, if you're asking this question you're probably a casual music listener.

Wikipedia will describe the sound but YouTube is your best bet.

Just type in the genre.

Black Metal, Grindcore, Punk Rock, Progressive Rock.... etc etc.
man guyrence . you seriously lack the command of english needed to post decently

Chill dude. At least it's still understandable right. Haha.

And the forums doesn't say that people with poor English can't post and ask/comment. Besides, what he say is true. :)

bro..about that's's good to see you guys laugh

cause laugh=stress less....

by the not GUYrenCE...i hack into his account