Band Genre

That's right. Some of the inaccurate information have been formatted by yours truly :mrgreen:

That aside, please take note that Wikipedia has _a lot_ of knowledgable editors. There is a great amount of moderation every single day. I myself refrain from spoiling good information if I surmise it will be of help. Bigger articles are locked from edits, and most others that are fairly significant - like the ones linked here - are monitored fairly too.
bro..about that's's good to see you guys laugh

cause laugh=stress less....

by the not GUYrenCE...i hack into his account

oh my goodness, guyrence u could kill me by just existing! why would ANY SANE SINGAPOREAN hack into another's S.O.F.T account?! And YOURS in the least, what ur some bigname record label owner or something? its like telling ppl to look at my display picture and not guess that im a drummer.

Sigh. Back on topic, yes i thought the suggestion on youtube was excellent. Also be careful, some may just be those stupid video posters who, under the "tags" section, put in every single genre u can think of. that way u may end up listening to a simple plan cover when u searched for like grindcore or something
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most of the time its those sexy videos la.. I would know :)

you could try to be more specific in your genre though.
instead of punk. try pop punk or crust punk xD