Band Competition Of The Year 2008

to freemansland,
i do not know how maman got to know that melissa is associated to freemansland,but since you voiced out,i think we owe u an apology.

i just want to know what is happening to the music beats competition,and please,for the organizers to come up and really clarify what has happened.
I know everyone is unhappy with melissa , seriously freemansland is really unhappy with her too, alot of personal informations we cant let out.
And i say this again, Freemansland do not encourage competitions to be run by ticketing, voting is fine. cause ultimately its not how your product is, its how you market it. If you get what i m trying to say.But, for showcases i still believe no bands wan to play to empty air and the only way to encourage bands to do that is by absoption. Everyone has their values,we have too.
I think to clarify things, melissa have never done a gig showcase for freemansland.On the 19th january at homeclub.She was doing it free-lance.

Yes, freemansland is holding a gig at homeclub on the 15th, and will be holding on the 22th(indie),29th(metal-rock).

Let me summarise and re-enforce we have nothing to do with those free-lance organisers out there, Freemansland is a registered company!
Dun believe, go google it or acra.
this whole thing is ridiculous.. everyone involved both bands and organisers if ur male, start beating ur own balls..
haha. portnoy i really dont think so. Looking at how messed up this is, even if it is going on i would suggest u dont participate in it. Unless u mean u already register but dunno if ur gonna be left hanging then like i said... beat our own balls!! whoo!!!!
I think we're all looking at both the extreme situations.

Firstly, not all organizers are out there to make profits for themselves, some are actually doing a great job.

Secondly not all the bands are out there feeling like a rockstar, some of us are pretty much humble.

Here's what I think should happen

Organizers promote the event, hype it up so people will want to see it.
Hire people to sell tickets, (commission based). Try to get sponsors that is easily recognizable. Open it up to the public, I'm sure there are tons of people who are willing to help out with things like these.

Bands promote the event, whore yourself (and other bands too) out so people will want to see it. Help sell the tickets. Try to get your friends to come, be oh-so-charming so that the public will want to go for things like these.

And then after the event there should be an after party (not in the budget? BYM[bring your own makan]) so that organisers and the bands can mingle.

Perhaps this is just the panadol talking.
As said before the job must be done by both the organisers AND the band. (said by someone else)

And Freemansland, I understand that you're taken aback by the comments but please do understand that he is still young. I would advise Maman to make an apology as well, but I would like to voice out that using such threats does not really reflect well on you as well. Please do consider what you say. I know you're angry but your own reputation is at stake as well when you say things like that.

So I wanna make this clear - Was Melissa under Free Man's Land when she was organising this? When did she leave?
alright. last month, melissa sent me an sms regarding this using someone else's hp. i think his name was jason. i don't know how the HECK she even got my number. well i decided to let it go and join the competition.

then found out from melissa that we have to pay $30. doesnt matter. we have to pay to enter stardust too. and when the amount is divided, each of the band members pay less than $10 altogether. then found out must sell tickets. tickets was part of the criteria that time. ridiculous. then thanks to maman and the others, ticket selling was taken out of the criteria.

we're okay with the tickets. melissa confirmed with us that our slot is 6.05pm on 15 march.

we thought that on the first meeting, they'll give us the tickets to sell. they didnt. alright, the meeting was on a wed. the guy there, kenneth i think, told me he'll give the tickets on fri or saturday. we also told him that melissa already gave us a slot. he took it down. so i waited for the weekend. he didnt call me. so i was like, what the hell? so i asked melissa. LOTS of times cos she always didnt reply my questions. when she finally replied, she said we'll get it by that week (3march-9march). so i waited for any calls. no calls. and our slot is this saturday.

yesterday i was mad. i asked melissa. she gave me kenneth's e-mail. she said,"dun ask me. i dunno anything." so i was like, what the hell? isnt she supposed to be the organiser? so i waited for kenneth to get online. in the meantime, i got hold of his number through a softie. i called kenneth. he said he may give me the tickets tonight. monday night. and he said, dont worry, you'll have 1 month to sell them. then i got angry. ARE YOU KIDDING? ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME THAT YOU CHANGED OUR SLOT WITHOUT TELLING US, WHEN ALL ALONG WE WERE PRACTISING FOR THIS SATURDAY?? there was a REASON why we chose this saturday!

alright so i got onto soft this morning. found out melissa's not part of the organisation anymore. so that explains her ingorance.

as for kenneth. if you gave us empty promises, man. i ask you one last time. where are the tickets? and when is our slot actually? please do not lie to me to get out of this situation. i'm sick and tired of these things already. yesterday you said you'll call me this afternoon and pass me the tickets tonight. well i can't make it tonight so i'll ask my band mate to get it. make sure you call today. i'm not a guy who threatens but this is different.

freemansland. are you or are you not holding this competition? if you are, is it still on? if it isn't, i want a refund. and i don't speak for my band only.
The organisers should really not try to do something huge before starting out small. Even if they want to do something huge, get a couple of other orgnisers who are experienced in this and get their help. But it's a bit too late now though.

I've had a fair share of things I find that's being done wrongly and am always trying to improve on it as organisers. And are always looking for things to improve for the shows.

Believe me bad things do happen and it will.
hey there kaisheng from freemansland
first and foremost address me to my name
not my band
my band got nothing to do with
kaez since that mellisa got nothing to with you guys
i'll take back my word and apologize to you sincerely

well one thing why and what make me assume that mellisa is workin for you
is that because she was the one who said it herself
she said she is working with free mans land.

so if she not working together with you guys
i seek your coorporation to settle the mess
my band is not in the competition
i'm just concern for the other bands
i'll give you a call shortly and discuss the matter over

and well for mellisa
i think you got alot of explanation to do around here

and yeah
here my apology
a big sorry to freemansland and the guys who in it
a note of advise to all the bands

just withdraw from this competition
its the best and the safest thing to do now...
To Crazyguy And Jugman

With regards to the comment earlier made by our dear user crazyguy and jugman.I think its relatively unfair for you guys to put Freemansland into this gig competition. i say again Freemansland have nothing to do with melissa.She was fired on 13.2.08. Freemansland do not encourage such an unstructured planning of competition. And jugman,I know you're really unhappy but please try to get your fact right before you actually make a comment.Thank you.
And to crazyguy and viewers of soft.melissa was out of the company before she planned this with jason and kenneth.
In short, Freemansland have nothing to do with this MUSICBEAT08. such a horrible name.=X and no orginality. *shakes* simply take 2 words and combine
and partly my fault for making them think that freemansland is in it
so case drop
a kind word to all who will be readin the thread

freemansland is not werking with kenneth or mellisa

my mistake on that fact


come out come out where ever you are mellisa
we need explanations and fast!


even though it doesnt concern my band or me
but it concern with the local bands
and some of the bands are frens of our bands
and i hate it when i see this happening
well that was what happened to me.

sorry that you were involved in this, freemansland.

i got the sms regarding music beats on 15 march. so she was fired on the 13th. this is frustrating.
don't tell me that this is a scam. alright i will discuss with my band members today and try to meet up with kenneth. we will demand an explanation.
i dun think its a scam. they got better things to do. lol, i think they will wan to carry out the competition cause the gold is over there. not the registration fees! yes, she got fired on 13th ferbruary 2008. So ya, i clear all doubts already?
yes you've sleared MY doubts at least. not sure about the rest. thanks a lot man.

now on to question kenneth. no hope asking melissa. she won't answer

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