Bad studio experience @ LiveAmp


New member
Hi there, just to share of a bad studio experience so you guys will know or will be able to keep wary of in future.
My bandmates and I usually frequent this studio called LiveAmp, and honestly the studio is a rather good studio (sound doesn't bleed, amps are good, eq good, good acoustics) but the service there is horrible.

Once we booked a studio at 8am, we waited at the shop's entrance for 1 hour before he reached, only to say he forgot to bring the key and told us not available to jam anymore cause by the time he takes the keys it will be too late and other bands have alr booked the later slots.
It was the first time so we let it off.

However once again we went to liveamp, just yesterday only to be told that we did not book the studio.
Our singer was the one who booked it and he was unable to make it for the jam and as he was uncontactable due to work we just left and went back home again.
Later we found out that our singer did in fact book the studio, and screenshot as evidence to show clearly that we did book and confirmed 7-9'

So this time I made up my mind to tell the boss and demand compensation.
He merely said sorry, and asked how we want our compensation.
Fair enough I suggested free complimentary jam. He simply replied 'sorry, can't do that'
It was never our fault in the first place and he still showed quite a bad attitude. I don't know but I feel very cheated.
Is this how you run business in Singapore? Somemore to fellow musicians .
Hope you all can give me your opinions or for those who are interested, maybe think twice.
Sorry to hear that. Clearly he doesn't want ur business, intentionally or otherwise. Not to worry, there are other great studios for u to patronise. :)
there is always a saying...

If you don't take care of your customers...
be assured that there is always others who will take care of them for you.