the hum emited fr my newly purchased Ds-1 is so awfull tad it changes the tone compelely. i power it using AC power supply using third party adpeter.
i don't think is the adpeter's grounding, coz i split the power fr tad same adpeter to my krog ax-10g and the krog emits no hum at all. the same power supply powers my air-con, my com , fan, amp and finally my effects.
if the ds-1 is powered using 9v batts, than the hum will be gone. dont think is guitar problem, even with guitar vol knob turn off, the hum emited is still the same level. the boss instruction manual stated something ab if power sorce is shared with inverters and tranformers like com montiors or air-con, a nosie filiter is needed.......
i don't think is the adpeter's grounding, coz i split the power fr tad same adpeter to my krog ax-10g and the krog emits no hum at all. the same power supply powers my air-con, my com , fan, amp and finally my effects.
if the ds-1 is powered using 9v batts, than the hum will be gone. dont think is guitar problem, even with guitar vol knob turn off, the hum emited is still the same level. the boss instruction manual stated something ab if power sorce is shared with inverters and tranformers like com montiors or air-con, a nosie filiter is needed.......