awfull sounding hum from Ds-1


New member
the hum emited fr my newly purchased Ds-1 is so awfull tad it changes the tone compelely. i power it using AC power supply using third party adpeter.
i don't think is the adpeter's grounding, coz i split the power fr tad same adpeter to my krog ax-10g and the krog emits no hum at all. the same power supply powers my air-con, my com , fan, amp and finally my effects.
if the ds-1 is powered using 9v batts, than the hum will be gone. dont think is guitar problem, even with guitar vol knob turn off, the hum emited is still the same level. the boss instruction manual stated something ab if power sorce is shared with inverters and tranformers like com montiors or air-con, a nosie filiter is needed.......
simple.. just buy a boss power supply.. or just use a 9v battery.. the ds one can run very very long on one battery...
try with the adaptor power the DS1 alone, don't chain with any other pedal and see if the hum is still there. It might be the adaptor's problem
ds-1 on batts can run very long ar? last time i own a metal zone, powered by batts last me last than a week .
but the adpator powering my mulit fx emits no hum. i tried powering the ds-1 alone. still emits hum
you didnt mention what kinda adaptor you are using - is it one of those that you can buy from hardware shops? i encountered this problem using household variable voltage adaptors.

i knew abt the potential problem even before i bought that cheapo adaptor, but i thought i would give it a shot to try my luck. but i found out first hand that it was true. you need an adaptor that is meant for musical instruments, otherwise you will get the hum.

so like RzrAsh said, either get a Boss/OneSpot/DC Power Brick supply, or stick to 9V batteries. If you get the hum even when using batteries... might be a DS-1 defect.

btw.... it's not 60-cycle hum (are u using single coils) is it? but if your multifx doesnt hum... then i guess not. just a thought.
just like to add that the 1-spot adaptor is not immune to hum... in fact that adaptor is the most noisy i find. :?

got this very loud and low hum. was quite shocked when i plugged it in.
imsuchajoker said:
When you guys mean "hum" you mean hum from the adaptor or what. sorry im confused. I wanna get a one spot soon though

by definition (Websters' Dictionary):
Hum - To emit a continuous low droning sound like that of the speech sound (m) when prolonged.

basically it's the low buzzing noise you hear when you're not playing your guitar. There are many causes. Here, Cube is asking about hum caused by the adaptor.

as from Analogman's FAQ section:
"A cheap generic radio shack type will not have good enough noise filtering for musical accessories so you will hear 60hz AC hum."
Do not use those adaptor you get from hardware stalls. Use 1spot or boss PSA etc. I used to have this NEWSTAR (Probably china-made) and the polarity knob popped out after using for say 1 hour+? And it blew. Then a burning smell emitted from the adaptor. I tried to power up to 5 pedals, and it blew. Cost me like what 20-30+?

1spot: Up till now, no problems no hums. Only hums came from my Strat's single coil.
it blew cuz u prolly exceeded the adaptor's amp rating.
1 spot can provide up to 1700mA of juice. No noise with mine so far.
fraggot said:
just like to add that the 1-spot adaptor is not immune to hum... in fact that adaptor is the most noisy i find. :?

got this very loud and low hum. was quite shocked when i plugged it in.

figuratively or literally that u were quite shocked??? lol
i using the china made goldstar adpetor lor. got any other cheaper alternative? boss adaptor ex leh.
Maybe you should look at the "ex-but-worthwhile" rather than "cheap-but-spoil-easily".

I have some friends who say those normal china-made adaptors work well for pedals as well but I beg to differ as I've gone through some crappy experience. Maybe not all china-made adaptors but to be save? Why not just get a 1Spot adaptor and last you for a long time?

How much is a Boss PSA anyway?