ok you know what?
I just figured that, regardless of whether you like a band or not (everybody has their own opinion), it'd be cool for SOFTies to have an opportunity to learn/debate with musicians of international fame (whether warranted or not, that's debtable) and for Singaporean musicians to hear it from the horse's mouth the answers to their burning questions. I don't exactly love all these bands that I'm sometimes 'forced' to interview too, but I take it that they must have done -something right- to get that recognition. The fact that people halfway across the world love 'em or hate 'em does say something doesn't it? And I thought SOFTies would be keen to get answers to some genuine questions and grow as artistes and musicians themselves, or if not, learn not to make the same mistakes.
Instead this whole thing is turning into an Anti-A7X thread all over again, which kinda sums up some of the general nastiness that SOFT sometimes generates when people feel strongly about something. There's hardly any constructive criticism, much less cleverly phrased insults.
I mean, seriously, this is so cliched, but why is there so much hatred in such a simple thing? It's not like they stabbed your dog or pooped on your lawn during one of their solos. If you don't like the band, then don't. There's no need to make Singaporeans look so spiteful in the process (SOFT is visited by people from other countries too.). And if you really don't like a band, at least pose a reasonable and intellectual argument that will reduce them to shreds, quivering in the corner looking for an escape route or an answer to cover up their poseurism.
sigh. It's SOFT all over again.