AVA and Plainsunset BAIL @ RP


New member
hi all..

i usually just pop in SOFT forums once in a while just to have a look-see..

but a recent experience really left me disappointed and i wanted to see what others thought about it..

recently i was at RP's open house and was pretty excited when i found out that AVA & plainsunset were playing.. i decided to stick around and check them out.. i support local music through CD purchases and attending gigs now and then..

anyways.. i waited for over 2 hours to catch them as they were starting at 4pm and i was there since 12 plus checking stuff out.. so 4pm came and there was some terrible RP band playing and i saw guys from AVA standing around.. the RP band finished and another RP band took the stage.. then i realised to my horror that AVA was leaving! i checked with the sound guy there as to how come AVA and plainsunset had already played when it was advertised at 4pm! he said that there were not playing as they were not satisfied with the setup and that there weren't enough people! i mean.. i'm not a rock star nor a tech guy but there were line arrays and a digidesign mixing desk on hand!

i'll reserve my thoughts till later but i am curious as to this whole support local music thing and bands complaining about lack of support and all but.. come on.. isn't a chance to play something that all bands want? i'm sure i wasn't the only person there disappointed as there were plenty of other people that were obviously upset..

your views?

again i'm not bashing anyone or nothing like that but perhaps members from the band or someone in a better position can shed some light?

the bands were there on time having rushed from SP for soundcheck. Plainsunset has gone up for soundcheck, when the bands were informed that the show will be cancelled as the main organisers from RP did not think that many people will come by.

i personally felt that the stage location should have been more well thought off. i heard that right at the other side of campus, where they were having some hiphop stuff, the traffic flow was better.

this has got nothing to do with being rockstars or having bloated ego's or such. we still carry our own equipments and work a day job. the bands (AVA and Plainsunset) were disappointed as well and still wanted to play and hanged around the area hoping the organisers changes their mind, but to no avail.
+1 to jbarks and dearxarson.

the 3 of us know AVA and PS personally as friends and fellow musos. we all know that they wouldn't unilaterally call off a show just like that. i also understood that the call to cancel was made by the show organisers, and not the bands.

FYI, singapore bands rarely carry the kind of clout to just call off a show on a whim.
Hi guys,

We speak for Plain Sunset and A Vacant Affair since we were the production and promo team from Live 'n' Loaded who decided to pull the 2 bands off the performance lineup. Few reasons:

1) By the time the bands were there for soundcheck at 3pm, we realised the organising committee from RP has positioned the band stage at the worst location possible. Whilst everything was happening at Level 1, they had put the band stage on Level 2 next to the entrance of a FoodCourt. Great huh?

2) The production crew outnumbered the number of students that were there on Level 2. I think when Plain Sunset was doing the soundcheck, the cleaning aunties came out to SUPPORT local, and that's about all. The PA System reaches out only to people around Level 2, so no matter how much the MC was going to rara for the gig, i doubt anyone on Level 1 could hear.

3) It was simply unfair for the 2 bands to go on and perform since internal publicity, promotion and organisation of this gig simply showed that they weren't really that keen on showcasing bands, but rather their Hip Hop Dance competition going on Level 1.

4) We apologize if some of you had travelled far and out to catch and follow Plain Sunset and A Vacant Affair, only to be disappointed.

I agree, support local, give them a platform and stage, but don't do it "for the sake of putting it on record". Do it for LOCAL MUSICIANS who deserve much more.

Live 'n' Loaded team
The person who organised the thing at RP really sucks. They should not put 2 good shows in 1 day at the same timing. And ofcourse, the location of the stage is also not a good one. the space for the crowd is so small.
days before the day itself, when i saw the stage ( i'm from rp btw),
i had my doubts if people would come to that area to watch.
I was there too to watch them...
And it reallys sucks that they just go home like that..
And if greats bands like them sholud play at the1 ground where the hip-hop compition is going on..as there is the main palce where people have to past trough b4 going to the rest of the school..
+10 to LiveNLoaded, jbarks, dearxarson & milkmesto

In defense of the organizers, they're probably students and not experienced at what they're doing. we all make mistakes. I hope they learn from this. =)
i see..

well.. i like that someone said it's good to hear both sides of the story..

dale.. seriously strong words from you.. i think it wrong that you would accuse them of 'sucking'.. unless you're experienced in the area yourself?.. perhaps the organisers have their own side to the story too..

at the end of the day.. the bands had the opportunity to play.. more so if they rushed down and the fact is that there were people there waiting..

it's all said and obviously not done now so no point sulking over it..
to sum it up:

1) bad logistics planning by organisers, which they only realised when the bands were doing soundchecl

2) bands didn't have much of a say, as the organisers decided to pull the plug.

3) we all learn from this

end of story, let's get on with our lives shall we.
to sum it up:

1) bad logistics planning by organisers, which they only realised when the bands were doing soundchecl

2) bands didn't have much of a say, as the organisers decided to pull the plug.

3) we all learn from this

end of story, let's get on with our lives shall we.

i concur.. :)

boo to the organisers.
coz i was there at 4. and alot of people were coming, group by group. and as iw as walking back to woodlands, more people were coming for the show.i know as i heard them talking about who's playing and lol had to tell them it was cancelled and they walked back too.
who wouldnt come.