Audio interface with 8 analog i/o and ADAT i/o

Well, it's gonna take awhile....a long while I think lol. All I can say right now is, as long as I keep myself up to date by reading and asking around, things can potentially be easier later on.

Right now, I only have a decent laptop set up with M-Audio Firewire Solo, Ableton Live Lite and Reason, a 2nd hand Behringer condensor, some cables, connectors and a 2nd hand Yamaha Motif. It's nowhere near my "ideal" set up yet lol.

While I can save up and upgrade to a M-Powered ProTools set up now (since I already have the appropriate hardware), the reason why I'm self-debating is that I'm looking to break into the audio-post market as well. I've found out that M-Powered ProTools does not allow me to do that, much to my dismay. While I do have the knowledge and experience of music recording (and I have been talking about music recording so far in this thread), audio-post work was how I got started in the first place!!

Hence, if I'm going the Pro Tools way, Pro Tools LE is the cheapest I can go but I would need to get its additional plugins (DV Toolkit and DigiTranslator) so I could have its video playback, timecode and OMF/AAF import/export functions. And that adds to the cost!! However, it is a reliable system and one which I'm most comfortable working with.
The other option would be to go with Nuendo, Logic, Digital Performer or Sonar. I can adapt and learn these softwares but I'm not sure of its compatibility with popular visual editing softwares since I have no experience working with them. I've read around and it looks like Nuendo is the better option for my purposes. Maybe someone with more experience can chip in on this. But a plus about these softwares is that, the same functions for audio-post work already exist in the software out of the box!! Saves money!!

I'm still hopeful that M-Powered ProTools will become compatible with the plugins that I require for audio-post work because I've found a "loophole" in the system. The academic version of M-Powered has the necessary plugins installed for audio-post work and those plugins comes FREE out of the box!!! And it makes me wonder how long more till the "pro" version has that function.

Thanks guys for clearing the air for me concerning my proposed hardware set up. Anything else you wanna share, feel free to do so!
yeah the only tip i wanna share is : in IT (computers) all of us wants our "ideal setup" and you realise after you paid so much to get it. by the time within a year or so. there's something "more ideal" that came out in the market. now that this is the IT Audio age, where Audio advances as much, there's more and more toys out there. so don't be fixed on one goal. and yes read up as often.


20¢ worth
Hey Luzer,

when i get around to drawing the signal flow chart of my place, i'll post it up for everyone's benefit. However, you are most welcomed to drop by my place if you have the time to check out how I wire up the stuff.

Also, the DV toolkit works extremely well for importing AVID stuff and achieving perfect sync. But as you have mentioned, it cost a bomb. However, there is another way to do it if you are not doing long form materials and have no other devices to sync up. Protools takes MOV files. You can actually export your stuff from your video NLE to MOV format and then import it into a protools session straight. After you have done your AFP / foley / muz and mixdown / mastering, you can actually export the sound to the mov. THen bring it back into your NLE and viola!!

Let me know if you are interested to come by.

Hey robsg,

Yea I wanted to post a signal flow of my "ideal set up" (lol) as well but too lazy to get around doing it. I have one drawn in my notebook somewhere but it looks awful lol! If you get the time to do it, it'll be great!

You're right about exporting as MOV files and that would work great if it's short form work or if the editor has "locked" his/her picture. If the workflow is gonna go back and forth various times with different cuts each time and oh my, both the editor and myself will suffer lol.

You have your own studio robsg? What does your set up consists of? I don't mind dropping by if time permits. PM me your address!