ATTN fellow SOFTies: this is absolutely ridiculous.

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Osama bin Laden clearly stated the reasons for 9/11, too. Doesn't change the nature of his actions.

Come on bro.. A ban is a ban.. Just follow the rules.. Levan was on suspension for a few days but he created a new account just to post something.. I mean its only 3 days when he was suspended at that time.. Not 3 years..

And Levan even state that, even if James lift up the suspension, he wont be bother about soft anymore. I take his word for that but he's still created a new account..

So what more do you want from James.. I'm not siding anyone here.. I don't know why this thread is still here.. If any of you don't like it here, just go somewhere else.. Maybe some other forums cater to you there better..
wow that's a fair analogy. that's like comparing me throwing a paper ball at my classmate to JFK being shot in the head.

That's not an analogy, that's comparison. The fact is that giving a reason for something doesn't make it acceptable. If you throwing a paper ball at your classmate meant that he'll never be able to come to class again, whatever reason you gave for it isn't going to help.

Banning someone is serious business. SOFT is never going to receive any more support and advice from one of it's most seasoned and experienced professionals. It hurts everybody.
i think james had an idea of what was coming before he clicked the button.
so uh.
boohoo james?
no more levan we are all gonna diez!!
rather, our community here has just gotten a little bit more ignorant, a little bit more bigoted, and a whole lot less fun.
Even if Hendrix joined soft, he'd still be subject to the rules. (well maybe not but you get my point) What makes Levan above them? Anyone else would have been banned for flouting the rules like that. Fact is, James doesn't have to explain himself to anyone here, but he did anyway. his reasons for banning Levan were perfectly clear either way. And sorry, I don't have anything against Levan or you, but I don't see what this big hoohah is all about. Flout the rules enough, get banned. It's perfectly reasonable in my opinion.
permanent ban now? wow. just, wow.

what are you trying to do, James? I'm lost.
Simple.. Let me explain, James doesn't like Levan's wits (together with a handful of people as can be seen clearly in this whole thread) and thus, he decided to exile Levan from SOFT la..

I'll still have these pages of interest booked marked under my folder "Local Music Scene" though:

What do you guys think of a LOCAL MUSIC MOVEMENT?

For Local Bands Who Complain!


Hope they don't get removed / deleted.
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personally i feel the original ban was uncalled for- and if that ban were not in place, there would be no flouting of any rules whatsoever.

What happens when there is unnecessary punishment? You rectify it. If there is a problem with the system, it doesn't make sense to use that very system to try and deal with it.

A while ago, a Singaporean was given more strokes of the cane than stipulated. Him and his family made a scene about it. The government could have probably sued him then, but chose not to. Instead, they compensated him and his family for an undisclosed amount. Despite the fact that he DID commit a crime and was sentenced to the cane.

Why do you suppose that is?
I think this is a very good thread to show how popular levan, james and soft are.

all you guys actually bothered!

+1 to all 3 names mentioned. :)
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Well, whether we like it or not, this matter has somewhat come to a closure. But we can clearly see that it is a lose-lose situation, no matter how both parties try to rationalise and justify their actions.

For all we know, it might be an act of impulse, causing a whole chain of reactions to occur.

In short, what ever threads we may post, tink first!

Let's forgive and forget and move on. =)
Levan and a bunch of us, including Visa, a group of people who've been around for long enough (read: activists, not just people hiding behind computer screens) and I are pooling our money and resources to start it together. We'll keep you guys updated in the coming months. :D
Actually I have an answer to Visa's question. See, the government decided to compensate him and his family instead of adding salt to the wound by suing him because it was THEIR mistake for giving the poor guy more strokes than he should have received. No matter how uncalled for you think the original ban was, you have to agree that Levan was at fault, not James.

I personally feel that if the ban was for that comment alone it was rather unreasonable, but then again there might have been other instances that I don't know of, so I shall not comment further on that.

So what do you propose James do then, seeing as the first ban obviously did nothing to stop Levan from posting again? By posting during a suspension, he is again flouting the rules and again punishment is meted out.
We all know banning is a serious issue but this is a forum. You still have to follow the rules.. Levan got banned because after several warnings, he still does it..

You can be an experience professional but you still have to follow the rules.. That's why there's such a thing call the 'diary'. You can write anything there coz nobody knows and nobody cares.. But this is a public forum. And there's someone who is taking charge of this forum.. You just can't shoot your mouth anyhow you like..

Why didn't the government sue the guy who got the extra cane despite making a scene? Because he was supposed to deserve a stipulated amount of canes but instead, he receive more and so he make a scene.. He's partly right to make a scene because he got more than stipulated. One stroke is painful what more if you have to take a few extra.. Maybe he's a changed man while in prison but getting extra definitely hurts..

But here, James didn't do anything. He makes the rule and just gave levan several warnings but levan still do it. He was reminded time and time again.. If James is the unfair kind, I wouldnt even come here in the first place..

Getting canned is like a warning, and getting banned is like serving time in jail.. So the extra canning and sueing is not involve here..
@fuzzmusick: If you read back to one of Levans' post, you'd understand that this apparent suspension wasn't warned or notified, James just did it very subtly.

To the rest: Honestly I was TRYING to scrolling through the 36 or so pages and I died at around 16 and started hopping around. Why? First of all, there's A LOT of pointless discussion. How the hell does a thread on this issue diverge into an argument on innuendo and whatnots? This is what many people here on the forum have a problem with: Posting for the sake of posting. And it's because of this, understandably, that he gets frustrated with situations like these and everyday postings. Honestly, I could simplify 20 posts here with the same message : "JAMES SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE LENIENT, BANNING WASN'T NECESSARY." We get it guys, give it a break. Those on the other side of the argument....we hear you too, so just read on, keep quiet, and get on with life. No matter how insignificant your 0.02cents may be, perhaps they aren't necessary.

As it seems, Levan has been permanently banned and "exiled" from this forum; Told never to return again and to leave. You see, oh fellow SOFTies, it is because YOU fueled this argument, and YOU fueled this strife with your opinions and comments. This is why (ironically) it is sometimes better to just keep our mouths shut.
No, you've completely missed my point. But a more suitable scenario would be something like:
You in a conference with several people but they're all trying to put across their message even if it means repeating what someone else has said.

I'm not saying 'hey everyone this is a public forum but shut up!', rather, if you've got nothing constructive to say, then just keep quiet.
No personal offence to anyone, but it's just a lot of mindless bantering.
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