Atlas album released: Here Be Dragons


Active member
Hi guys! My band had the honor of recording an album with Snakeweed Studios, courtesy to a NAC grant.

Hope you guys take a listen to our music, and purchase or share it if you're interested! We play music that crosses several boundaries, from indie angular rock, to math rock signatures, to post-rock textures, and the list goes on. We hope that you enjoy listening to our music as much as we enjoy crafting them.


Listen to the album in its entirety here:

Some reviews about the album or our singles:


If you like what you hear and want to catch us live, do like our facebook page to get the latest updates.
Hey, I'm a half English/half Singaporean living in the UK, studying music at university. I just spent an hour or so going through your album, it's absolutely brilliant! I'll be buying it as soon as I have some money aside, keep up the good work!

Out of curiosity, who are your influences? I can hear elements of Coheed and Cambria, April Chase and Paramore lingering throughout your compositions, I'd just like to get your input :)
Congrats on your new album!

Is this you? Do update your profile and I will blast it on SOFT.

Okay James it's been updated with two of our singles off the album!

Hey, I'm a half English/half Singaporean living in the UK, studying music at university. I just spent an hour or so going through your album, it's absolutely brilliant! I'll be buying it as soon as I have some money aside, keep up the good work!

Out of curiosity, who are your influences? I can hear elements of Coheed and Cambria, April Chase and Paramore lingering throughout your compositions, I'd just like to get your input :)

Thanks for the kind words! Our influences are wide and varied, but some common ones would include Foals, Alt-J, Bombay Bicycle Club, toe, and then we have quoted and cited several others that influence us personally but not entirely as a band; Dios Trio, Explosions in the Sky, Florence+the Machine, tricot, James Blake, Adventure Time (yes the cartoon), TTNG, Lite, The Smashing Pumpkins, DrewoftheDrew, Arcade Fire, Grizzly Bear, Bon Iver, The xx, Enemies, The Trees & The Wild, Amateur Takes Control.

Seriously the list goes on. They all can find their way into our music, either structurally or in the thought process behind writing specific parts for each instrument.

Glad you enjoy the album!
Some updates! Other Sounds reviewed the album at

The album is now in stock at:
Hear Records
Memphis Music
Roxy Records & Trading
The Lithe Paralogue Studio

We'll also be selling it via Canopus Distro this weekend at the 100 bands festival! We'll also be liaising with Esplanade for our merchandise during the Baybeats festival.

If there are suggestions on where else to distribute music, let us know!
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