At what age would you allow your kids to listen to your...

as soon as his/her sense of hearing is fully developed...

haha f*** Mozart and Beethoven man(no offense to classical fans :lol: )...
Put on some Aerosmith and KISS!!! :twisted:
crazy ah u all wait ur baby become deaf then u noe. let them get a little older first lah. meanwhile let them listen to hi5 :D
There are anectodal reports of loud music giving stress to babies and infants. I will like to meet a parent who actually lets his/her baby listen to heavy metal - I've not met one yet!

There are also studies done to show that classical music exposed at a younger age increases the size of the temporal lobe of the left brain (language center). Soothing music had been shown to significantly affect the improvement of premature babies in neonatal ICU when compared to premature babies in ICU without music. Of course, some are controversial. People are still trying to confirm what we call the "Mozart Effect".
hey! freedom of choice man, he gets to listen to wad he wants... but... if he listens to mandopop, i'm gonna beat the living hell out of him(no offense, juz that i really dun like mandopop) :)
detroit_red said:
Put the headphones blaring on your wife's pregnant tummy.

My wife read somewhere that a baby was born with hearing defects after the mother blasted music through headphones on her abdomen when she was pregnant.
i'll pump him with jazz as a baby ( dun like classical)make him a lil smart then its rock and roll baby..!
At the pregnancy stage, definitely Mozart.

I'll let them discover metal on their own can't force one when it comes to music. But of course I won't let them look up to Lindsay Lohans as role models.

Hmm maybe I'll try to let them listen to classic rock at a younger age. Classical/jazz is a definite yes when they are children.
My kids will be made to Metallica, will be born to Metallica and will grow up listening to Metallica. 8)

Whether they like it or not!
Yes... Narcoleptia is so right... everybody has their own musical tastes, even though some are wierd, we can't force them into it, for example, does ur father want you to listen to the music u are listening to now? i play slayer in the car and he goes hopping mad
they will grow up listening to keroncong.. see when you add distortion to keroncong it becomes malmsteen music.. try it :D
Classical music of course....

Maybe when he is 15 or 16 then he can start listening to Dragonforce and Symphony X and what have you.... :lol:
my child is gonna be a poor thing, gonna force him or her to play guitar by the age of 4, and he or she will be the next malmsteen at the age of 5, and a john petrucci by the age of 6 and can play 5 billion beats per minutes, melt guitar strings, play time signatures of 62/49 and call michael angelo a noob

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