Artists oppose anti piracy - Any concurring reports?

I am strongly for downloading music the 'illegal' way. You see, when I send a song to 10 of my friends, and each of them sends to 10 of their friends, the numbers just keep growing. The song spreads, the artist/band gets heard, and gains exposure as well.

This is the new model of modern music industry. And record labels have to recognise that in order not to become obsolete. Bands can no longer depend solely on their album sales to generate income. However, bands still can gain their revenues through other ways. That is through touring, merchandises and live shows. People are willing to pay to see a band live when they have at least heard of or like the band. Filesharing allows bands to get heard more easily. Not everyone can afford to buy the music that they are interested to try out, and filesharing helps just that. People download the music to try them, and if they happen to like it, they are willing pay to see the bands live and buy their merchandises. So that means the bands have to tour and hold gigs more often, which means they cant hide behind their recordings anymore. They have to sound good live, in order for people to want to watch them perform.
well I disagree. live shows are always only accessible to a limited audience due to location, time and some are quite fast sold out. You know how long I wait to see Anthrax live and never got the opportunity? Would I feel bad to illegally download their albums? Yes, because I think I would cheating a band which I like and listen to since 18 years.
The only alternatives you offer for revenue are touring and live shows (which is quite the same) and merchandise, sorry but I don't think you can make living with that until you are very very famous.
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heh, theres no way to stop it... on personal level, we can, not do such thing, but on bigger picture, worldwide. Its unstoppable, after so long, it will evolve to another form and move on..
The only alternatives you offer for revenue are touring and live shows (which is quite the same) and merchandise, sorry but I don't think you can make living with that until you are very very famous.

Unfortunately, like it or not, filesharing is here to stay. Accept it or become obsolete. Look at the major record labels, they find it hard to digest this fact. But sooner or later, they have to swallow it anyway.
Thats why there places like NOKIA music store / Singtel AMPED and others. Which made downloading payable. Like people say, if we cant beat them, join them.