Article: Buying a guitar in changing times


Staff member

Over the years, guitar manufacturing has shifted from US to Japan then to Korea and Taiwan and currently to China. While China is still responsible for over 70% of the world production of guitar at the moment, this is slowly changing as factories are establishing new facilities (yes, even Chinese manufacturers) in developing countries like Vietnam and Indonesia. There is also a trend of moving productions back to the US and the brand’s respective country of origin as the cost advantages abroad gets narrower with the rapid economic development.

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At the other side of the equation, lest we forget, buyer profile is another important consideration. Buyers today are more informed when it comes to buying & they are more empowered to buy not just in view of the product availability at the shops, the internet is here to remove the boundary of 'not available at where you are'. Personally, I feel that both buyer & seller are evolving for the good of the market (the right thing happening at the right time), the situation is not lob-sided, hopefully it'll be a win-win situation for all in many aspects, not just about price. No use having sellers & makers knowing their trade at the back of their hand when there's no acknowledgement & appreciation by the buyer.

I will confidently say that gone are the days when the country of origin is the sole determinant of what's 'good' because we are now more educated in this aspect & could better exercise judgment when it comes to product acquisition & the appreciation of technicalities. Thanks largely to the information age, what we can't see we know & we don't assume absence :-)

My unreserved appreciation to Hosen for this article.
On behalf of Singapore River Valley High School Guitar Ensemble:

To Hozen and his Maestro Guitars,

We’ve took time to compare both repaired 3Cs from Maestro and our existing 3Cs. First of all, We would like to say, thanks to Maestro for taking care of our guitars.

Here are some of the differences that we are please to find, btw the repaired and existing 3Cs.

Using Finger picking:
Upper 3 strings appeared much easier to play
Lower strings sounded much clear
Soundboard resonance much lighter (guitar tapping (Golpe) and harmonics)

Using Rasgueado:
Louder volume
Balanced sound crossed all 6 strings

Using Guitar Picks:
Louder volume
Sound better focus

Overall the repaired guitars are now serving us like brand new and better.

RVHS would like to thanks Maestro Guitars for continue to maintain our School Guitars at a higher level and share his guitar maintenance knowledge to our Guitar Ensemble!

All the best Maestro Guitars!

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