Army Advice


New member
Hey fellow softies, i dont know whether this is the right place to post this but im looking for some advice. well i just turned 19 on the 1st of january and now im in my second year of poly [thrid in this coming april] and its not what i want and i want to go to rp to do sonic arts. being a guy in singapore. is this allowed? or must i go and complete ns first? thanks in advance :)
i think it's better u just get this ur current diploma (don't waste the money), go for ns, come out and take a DEGREE in sonic arts or equivalent. cos diploma in sonic arts also won't get u far u still need a degree, and switching diploma so far in means u waste alot of money. imagine the money can be spent on gear!
I do not know what your studying but DON'T DROP AN ENGINEERING or BUSINESS DIPLOMA for an arts. Thats my advice :) come out army then do sonic arts, at least you'll have something to fall back on :)