Are you scared of death??

Everyone has to go sometime, I guess. We've all got to remember that it's one life we have left to live, and when time is up there's no second chance. So my advice is...don't waste your life. Go for your dreams and live a fulfilling life.
deathclock: Tuesday, April 25, 2079 aiya one day short of my 90th bdae.
wtf i dont believe la.

i think generally people who are scared of death are people who are not prepared to die.
those who make sins and have not repent.

those who are more scared are hifi_killer said, those who experience near death.
the privileges of having a second chance can make a person change tremendously.

but those who i think are most scared, are those who know the exact time of their death and know they are not prepared for it. that is...people in the death row.*thinking of lyrics of hallowed be thy name*
my bro was an MP. he said he had seen those who got the death sentense. they can be like zombies, like monkeys... 5 oclock they take me to the gallows...pole..yeah..the sands of time for me are running low..

damn i was daydreaming
i dont fear death lah..i just wanna live a fulfilling life before my time comes..all i want is to at least lay a playmate..\m/
live life to the fullest!
treat everyday like your last day on earth!

but really, who wants to go to school on their last day on earth? education already takes at least 10 years of our youth. OUR YOUTH!

yea true. haha but i hate education but without it, we'll be as smart as dung.

personally, i think kindergarten education is enough for me. hahaha

but really, our youth is the best time of our lives. then we grow up, get a job, get married, have kids (your kids will follow this crazy cycle) and eventually die. this is a really fun life, isn't it?

youth to teen - school
teen to young adult - NS (for guys in singapore.)
young adults to old adults - work
old aduts to grave - retirement.

GAWD! the only true freedom we get is when we retire??

but then there are bills and taxes and whatever nonsense but thats a whole different story
I'm not scared of death
Basically i think we all fear the judgement after it..
life is a journey in which god promises us death in the end.,

to paraphrase Marcus Aurelius Antonius...
Don't fear death because it's coming anyway
Instead fear never having truly lived..

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"Death? What do you know about death?" - Alexi Laiho

That line is really true. Since we know nothing about death, we shouldn't even think about it till ti comes knocking on your door. Makes life more meaningful this way.
we shall never know about death, and what comes after it. coz people who gone through it wouldnt be able to tell us.

now what we have is something called: FAITH