Apogee Duet 1


New member
Hey guys,

I understand that the new apogee duet 2 is released but it is on USB. I'm more inclined to having a firewire interface.

Anyone still have any idea if any shops are selling duet 1 in sg?

If im getting the usb duet 2 i might as well have the apogee one.

any comments guys?

Or i might just get the forcusrite saffire pro 14.

What is the rest of your gear?

Buying Apogee you are paying a lot for top quality preamps and converters, and you have very limited I/O and expansion options.

Is the standard of the other components of your system good enough to warrant such a high cost-per-channel product?

I would think the focusrite saffire pro 14 would be good value... they are also high quality converters and preamps (better than many others). Seeing the past history on soft buy/sell these have very good resale value as well.

If you want a longer term solution the pro 24 would be a good buy due to more I/O capability.
Current set up would be

iMac, Maudio Axiom 27, firewire solo, blue mic spark, beyer DT770pro and AKG 240 studio headphones. Running on Logic 9.
For some reason, my firewire solo had some pop and click issues when I updated my iMac to Lion. Tried troubleshooting it, reinstalling the drivers doesn't help. I tried on my macbook, (OS leopard), doesn't seems to have such issues. Guessing it would be a OS compatibility issue. I've been using my solo for quite some time now, so might as well upgrade it!

haha, thanks for the reply.

I mainly do recording single tracks at home so I/O isn't an issue with me. I just want a good and decent preamp and converter for my track by track recording. I'll be doing midi on my Axiom so midi inputs aren't an issue to me as well. I mainly monitor my mix on headphone too. Haha. One sounds good to me in that sense.

I have considered Focusrite saffire pro 14. There are more I/O and I read online that Focusrite and Apogee uses the same converter but their circuitry are different thus the differences in quality.

Further more the duet 2 is redesigned according to the Symphony (or thats what their support side told me). It is way better but way more expensive. haha.

I'm currently looking at the Apogee One just for single track recording. If there is a need for more I/O, I'll just grab a saffire pro 14 ;).
2 different sounds and more I/O rather than getting a Duet with limited I/O.

Differences in One and Duet would be the sampling rate, One only samples at 48khz but again I'm not recording for audiophiles ;) just my demos for my own composition!
HAha, yeah, I'm actually looking at the One now.

The tech support side told me, One and Duet 2 preamps are different though. Duet 2 are a class above One.
So is the price! hahahah

Guess i'll settle for One now. :D

Anyone have any experience with apogee one? or Duet 2?
Kindly share!
