Anything to buy @ Comex 08 ?


Staff member
Hi everyone

Let's share any good lobang that is happening at Comex. I am going down tomorrow.
James, Challenger's got some so-called "mobile hard disk" of 120GB and 160GB at $49 and $59 resp. Only 10 each day at 12pm and 2pm.

Crowd - uggghhh!
I bought a 250G (cute and pink for my wife) and 500G (black and ugly for me) Western Digital during the previous computer show. I think about $130 and $160.

Hoping to get some Epson Inkjet cartridges (R310) and HP Toner (1020).
I went just now. Bought an Acer Aspier One and got a refund immediately.
Cos they said got Golden Brown colour (for my wife) so I went with it. After paid by NETS, went to collect and they said the model I wanted dun come in Golden Brown so since my wife doesnt like blue or white, they refunded me.. in CASH! .. errr.. wallet become thick. hahah
I'm going again later.. wanna grab the Asus Eee PC 901 @$698 (after $100 rebate)

Tip:- Buy from Carfourre booth, can use POSB Everyday card and get further 5% rebate :)
the coms there look so tempting but i needa wait another 2 yr b4 getting a new com and my com alr one step into the trash :(
Hi all, I just came back from COMEX. I saw a portable solar charger just now, looks good. It doesn't need any battries or power supply. Just sunlight or artificial light and you can start charging your hp, mp3, psp.... Retails at around $50 if I recall correctly.
Ok.. i finally bought the Asus Eee PC 901 from Carfourre booth and 8gb memory stick for my bro's PSP. Nothing much to see.. not even overly made up skinny models.. hahaha
Haha, I got a Western Digital My Book 3.5" Hard-disk, 1TB, $219. Storage is much cheaper than before nowadays!
Didn't get anything..nothing interesting this time :( $$ better spent on something non-tech (however if i had more i woulda grabbed a new graphics card..but oh well).