Anyone knows where gt sell ear plugs?

Yes, the etymotic. They cut the db level without altering the eq much so you won't end up compensating for the loss in frequencies by dialing in extra on your EQ and annoying everyone else listening to your tone.

I noticed slight hearing loss/sensitivity to high frequencies in my right ear after years and years of always standing on the left of drummers. I use them all the time now, even just attending gigs with loud volume. Rather be a prude who will have his hearing till middle age than a deaf rock n' roll hero.

Take care of your hearing, esp for musicians. It's not something you can get back when once you lose it.

[Yay! 200th post. 2 stars here I come.]
i know a place wher they sell emyotics for like 15 bucks if im not wrong.

its in adelphi 4th floor jardeb or jjarden. they sell allesandro headphones.
Lol, thanks for the info guys. Tbh, i dont know anyone who uses earplug but i figured it might b bad for the ears...ill check out guardian or watsons to see if they hav or nt
Don't get normal earplugs dude. Even the etymotic, it's not really that effective IMO. It's way better than normal earplugs I have to agree. You still lose quite a considerable amount of frequencies too.

If you really want a good quality, ask Siemens (or any 'ear care' specialist) to make you a mold and send it to Westtones labs (in the States). Their the best from my experience. The ONLY thing it cuts is the db. Frequencies stay.

Expect to pay. Good things usually don't come cheap. Gd luck dude 8)
On the other hand, you could get the band (if you are talking abt a band context) to quiet down a little.

More often than not, people tend play too loud in a band. Get someone to listen to the mix of the band and decide who should go softer or louder. Don't leave the guitarist to guage his own vol and the keyboards to guage his own vol... they wouldn't know from the place they stand unless there are monitors.

While its true a band can't be quiet to the point you don't need ANY ear protection, at least make it managable somewhat.
ciel said:
i know a place wher they sell emyotics for like 15 bucks if im not wrong.

its in adelphi 4th floor jardeb or jjarden. they sell allesandro headphones.

The shop's called Jaben Networks. Very friendly owner. Got my earphones from him.
strats said:
johnny_be_goode said:
beach road, army supply.

imho, best is not to use and enjoy the music

enjoy getting deaf i suppose?

What was that about? Do you enjoy getting deaf? You can disagree with me but that is not the right way to reply. Some ethics pls! I beileve any forum is where we learn from one another. I may be wrong, or say something that is not right. But that knid of reply is really unnecessary.

The others are more kind, at least now I know there is Etymotics earplugs, and even ear mold. Thanks!

As mention that was my own opinion, I had used ear plugs before, I had first used earplugs 6-7 years ago, didn't work for me. May use again when needed in furture, who knows. There are times when it is not needed and enjoy the music. That will be the best.
Chill man.

Back to topic. Those foam one are better than the army range kind of ear plugs IMO. Very comfortable. I used it when I went for MRI sometime back.