anyone heard about KILN the portable humidifier?

I'm very impressed and proud that this comes from our fellow Singaporeans (Malaysians).
The design is really cool and slick.
Some concerns though :
1) What is the surface temperature of the heating coil / plate? Will this melt pickup cables inside the guitars if contacted?
2) Will this fit into archtops' f-holes? Or others with odd-shaped sound holes?
3) What will be the cost vs life span of the unit?

Having said that. I will definitely buy one .:D
"WET" guitar problems are chronic and hard to eradicate. A new invention has arrived to deal directly with it. "the KILN" is the world's first guitar dehumidifier that employs 3 key principles of wood drying.

Most guitar lovers simply enjoy playing their guitars without knowing the creeping effects caused by high moisture content in wood. For years there weren't any dedicated solutions. Only limited privileged individuals who can afford up-scaled treatments are immune from it. "the KILN" was invented to faceoff with "WET" guitar issues.

This gadget is now in Indiegogo on a fund raising campaign. Check it out here:

Hi, Does it Mean that this product will only be published when the gadget of this fund raising campaign reaches its target which is USD$155000? or will you still get the product even it doesnt reaches it.
Hi, Does it Mean that this product will only be published when the gadget of this fund raising campaign reaches its target which is USD$155000? or will you still get the product even it doesnt reaches it.

From the perspective of the Indiegogo campaign, the target must be attained before the funds can be released and production cycles can be initiated. Otherwise, all contributors will get back their money if the campaign fails. But this isn't the end for the KILN because this product will be well publicized by then. We believe the failure of this campaign may not signify that the KILN is irrelevant but requires a bit more time for the guitar community to understand it. We know that guitar enthusiasts are very sensitive and cautious about the effectiveness of any guitar accessories. We will not be surprised if acceptance of the KILN needs more time.

However, from business standpoint, the Indiegogo campaigh will elevate the KILN in the guitar community therefore it would be very possible for us to obtain investors' contribution in the event our Indiegogo campaign fails. We will get in touch with our Indiegogo contributors even the campaign fails to coordinate and update them of our alternate fund raising effort. We are more than determined to make the KILN a reality.

We believed every bit counts. We need your contributions.