Anyone has an idea of how much the cheapest gibson LPcost?


New member
Anyone has an idea of how much the cheapest gibson cost, other than the studio models, also how much do second hand ones roughly cost...
i think for abt 1.2-1.3k you can get a second hand gibson lp studio in at least 8-9/10 condition...
i think u can give lp special a shot...the slimer bodied ones...those i think cost abt 1.3 onli...lighter and smaller den the original lps
go for a brand new one at 1.4. a tokai les paul copy. From mr subversion's review in the gear news 2005 thread. it seems like its almost the same as the real thing.
to buy the lp standard would set u back about 3800. aint cheap. lp studio would be about 1800. so basically all gibsons r expensive. as all other big brand names.
Burny les pauls r damn good...i played 2 in my life..their sound and feel like the real thing man...jap made...i think those cost abt 1k onli
my, they really are over priced... Then how much are those fenders, the top ends one cost? the stratocaster...
I believe 2 or 3k plus already can get an american deluxe strat, very worth it with the cobalt noiseless pups, not pure single coil tone, but it comes VERY close... :D
Gibson might be overpriced when you first look at it. But one thing to take note is that most Japanese LP copy utilises a maple veneer which is for looks and makes no difference in tone whereas a Gibson LP utilises a maple cap which affects the tone. I am quite certain the mahogany used in the copies and a Gib LP are different. You might be able to change pickups but the tonal characteristics of the woods is something you cannot upgrade.

Gibson is expensive no doubt. But at least not all the money you paid goes towards the name on thje headstock. :smt003
how about grassroots? my friend had a goldtop once which sounded pretty good.

and it was quite cheap. in the order of 600-800? or was it cheaper.. can't really remember.
Lifehouse said:
Gibson is expensive no doubt. But at least not all the money you paid goes towards the name on thje headstock. :smt003

Maybe it goes the Gibson sticker on some pickups... :lol:
lifehouse is correct
japanese grassroots models use a veneer to simulate the flame effect instead of a maple top like Gibson les pauls use
but they're still bang for your buck

if you've read gibson new sales policy, im sure you'll turn anti :(
hey spikes. dun just jump bandwagon to wat ever brand is next on ur list. do go try all de guitars that u possibly can. den frm there make ur decision. i used to want to own a gibson. den after i tried it n almost every other guitar on de market den i found something that i liked. brand is not too important. feel is. sound u can always change pickup or get a good amp. but feel of de guitar u cant ever change. hope this helps. :D
cheez man... what am i gonna do... i played a gibsonLP before and i found out i really liked it... it has a great tone. are all guitars made with diferent wood, and if so, how will it affect the sound?
Notable Les Paul-copies can be found with Heritage guitar.

Dreamtime Music is their SG dealer and the prices of the guitars are available on their website.

I have no connection to DT Music, but having tried one of their LP copies before, it feels well made.

If ur not too concerned with the name on the headstock, you should check it out.

Prices are not the cheapest of LP copiers, but fair for the quality of the guitars.

Ps - for an in-depth history of Heritage Guitars and the relationship to the Gibson company of old, check out
Mr_X said:
go for a brand new one at 1.4. a tokai les paul copy. From mr subversion's review in the gear news 2005 thread. it seems like its almost the same as the real thing.

sceptics & snobs would dismiss the Tokai Les Pauls which are here now. it's not about the looks, any decent guitar manufacturer can do a Les Paul copy. the Tokai brand name carries the japanese benchmark in terms of quality & value for money. it's too bad that they are mere copycats but the feel & tone on offer, after you've tried them, you know why Gibson made an effort to eliminate them...

before you embrace all things Tokai, keep your options open, at least go try them & have a personal encounter. then make your choice...