anyone got remedies for ringing ears?

you've got tinnitus

i get that when i dont wear my earplugs during jamming sessions

usually for me, it'll last about 3-4 days

bad case scenario, the tinnitus will lasts forever...
Just wear earplugs to prevent it. Don't murder your ears. It sucks when you can't hear the real thing though.
Anep, be very careful to protect your ears each time you're in a loud jamming session.

Tinnitus is just the beginning. Frequent exposure like this will lead to noise-induced deafness. One of my friends, not yet 40, already has NID in one of her ears due to noise when playing in a loud band for a number of years in her younger days. I've also seen a number of young people started having NID - not so much due to band but loud working conditions.

Earplugs are definitely indispensable, as suggested by fored. For a musician, losing hearing is almost like losing your future in music...
Must be the noise from attending yesterday's gig is it?

I was there the whole day from the beginning to the end and I wore the plugs throughout to protect my hearing..

No choice.. Call me sissy but my hearing is more important!
yeah, it was from yesterday's gig...

if i wear plugs, the music wun sound proper, but if i dun wear, i'll spoil my ears. diao. better not go sia... :D

maybe i should haf sat further from the speakers in the first place... :lol:

ear plugs man.. ear plugs.. very important. no matter what i do/attend.. gigs/jamming room/recording.. i always have my ear plugs.. (3 layer silicon for airbase standard use haha, freakin $27)

it's quite interesting though, I once felt like i didn't want to hear anything else in the world, so I put on ear plugs then put on ear muffs. hear almost nothing else except your heartbeat/breath and your joints in your neck creakin'. nothing else better to do.

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