Anyone got Dimarzio X2N? Comments?


New member
How does it sound like? Is it something like Emg's or something else?
I heard the sample from the site, I'd say its comparable to EMG's....
I havent seen any at swee lee, anyone know where i can get one?
Anyone have it? and how does it sound on your guitar?
Thinking of replacing my Jackson stock pickup... with either the X2N or an EMG....
hey how r u bro ?
its best u get an Emg coz u already that pu on the bridge.
i believe the neck evo its not comparable right?

anyway the x2n had a loud output and IMHO the midrage part is sweet.
Its not only meant for metal, quite versatile really

im using it at bridge for both my ibanez the neck however is duncan invader (another high outpun pu), while the other is jb.(high output too with sweet harmonics)

as for pricing the X2N retail at @160 compared to the slightly cheaper EMG..

well..thats all i can say...
emg better choice

i haf x2n install to my yamaha strat similar. it has a good thick clean sound but wif dist the bottom end iz not tight, mesh up. :( its the same mesh up bottom end when i chg it from my old epiphone sg to yamaha. :cry:

i wld suggest emg cos the emg81 on my ibanez edr170 bridge sound good wif dist but the clean sound kinda thin. maybe its becos of the thin ibanez body.

ultimately its up to u wat kinda sound u r going 4 cos both of them haf their pros & cons
sef...when u mention the bootom end not tight...its that the neck X2n or the bridge?
i dont seem to hv that problem..
btw im using DR 0.10 strings on both my ibanez...n standard 440 E

would u be selling the pu then? if u do do pm me...:)