Anybody knows where to get a guitar paint job?


New member
anyone here knows where to get my guitar a paint joba dn how much issit?

and oh ya.. how do u tune to drop d? i get irritated cause i'm not sure how.
umm roughly, to tune to drop D, make sure the low E strings sounds like the A string, when you press it on the 7th fret instead of the standard 5th fret

i hope im not wrong, havent played in drop D for so long
guitarnub said:
umm roughly, to tune to drop D, make sure the low E strings sounds like the A string, when you press it on the 7th fret instead of the standard 5th fret

i hope im not wrong, havent played in drop D for so long

u mean the D string? anw its the 3rd from the top, 4th from bottom, anw if doing this on a tremolo equipped guitar, your better off using a tuner, if its a fixed bridge, then go ahead and tune
repaint at guitar workshop,bras basah...v. near swee lee...
price...the other time i asked was $400 4 white..$250 4 normal colours...
claims tt white is more ex cuz a LOT more effort is needed in handling it(a speck of dust land on it n gotta restart all over again)...
what sort of paint job actually? if u just need it to be repainted with one solid colour or sunburst or lacquer, check out guitar workshop or guitar connection. i'll go with guitar connection tho coz kelvin is the one who does most (if not all) of the paint job when guitar wrkshop was still in cuscaden rd. for custom paint jobs, i know objection overule's drummer can do it. check with adam at swee lee. i know the guy once did the van halen red/black/white striped paint job for some guy with a kramer.