Anybody here has pinkie trouble?


New member
Hi everyone,

I've been into the neo-classical shredding kind of stuff, scales, fast solos, etc. But I can't seem to use my pinkie, and even though I've been trying to use it, it keeps getting in the way and throwing my whole hand off-balance. On the contrary, using three fingers is much easier and allows me to actually ENJOY playing.

The only time my pinkie actually works is when I play chords.

So I'm kinda sticking to my three fingers. After all, Slash barely uses his pinky, isn't it? Or should I try harder and see if my pinkie really is screwed?

What are your views?

*Pinkie refers to the little finger.
I like using my little finger, especially when stretching over the fretboard although I have trouble doing hammer on/offs with it.
I think it's better to use it even if it may seem a little irritating and stressful at first than to not use it at all.

I've always felt that the pinkie is the most over-looked finger on our fretting hand. Most obviously if one is more rhythm-inclined, but most affecting to one's playing when doing lead runs.

I once tried finding ways to work on my pinkie more be it using the pinkie more etc, but I figured out that the best way to train the pinkie is to...

play bass.

Give it a try. See if you agree or not.
Well, I was lucky I had lessons from Beez early in my picking up guitar days cause he stressed the importance of the pinky and never to neglect it.

So right now, it feels natural for me to use my pinky to do lots of stuff like finger tapping double bends etc and stretching over some 6 frets crazy arpegios/sweeping.

I would suggeust doing some excercises like a strict 1 finger to 1 fret for scales etc to strengthen your pinky.

Using three figners is still good for vintage classical rock, but it may put a limitation on what you can play especially for stuff like neo classical, arpegio stuff, progressive rock, jazz etc.
How long does it usually take to 'season' a pinkie?

Because in my years of playing guitar I was mostly self-taught and never really attempted shredding.
Actually I already play plenty of powerchords using my pinky. In fact, other than shredding, I use my pinky a lot... No problems there...
have you tried playing scales.or maybe like:


it may sound stupid but...thats how i worked myself out.
lolx.. i love using pinkie... its part of economic picking... without pinkie theres alot of song tat will be damn hard to play... theres only one way to train it... practise and get used to it... lolx....
One way to strengthen any weakness is by using 'disadvantage exercises', i.e. you force yourself to home in and use the part which needs development by restricting other parts.

In this case, you want to strengthen your fourth finger so practice exercises where you deliberately 'disadvantage' your other fingers so that you can't use them, e.g tie them up with tape, or curl them into the palm.

Try hammers and pulls with each of the sets:

1, 4

2, 4,

3, 4

..where 1 refers to index finger, 2 to middle, 3 to ring and 4 to pinkie.

Most people find the 3 to 4 trills the most difficult and which need the most development.