anybody heard CalamityPop?


New member
well i just got back from their cd launch event held at Thumpers at Goodwood and i must say their music really brought the house down. or the pub down for that matter. :) anybody heard them? i found Rollercoaster and Better the Devil some of my favs.
Anyways, just a heads up to another great local band! and btw, the guitarist, Salim, was really good IMHO.

check em out at

they're a good local band and they've just set a new benchmark and an impact i hope, in the singapura music scene..

i ve seen em play at anywhere pub..they've got the crowd going all nite.. :eek:

cheers to local music
yeah go n buy their LP - good songs n production work on it, support local.

it was fun laying down the solos for C-pop's studio sessions :wink:
ahh...i thot ur name sounded familiar when i heard it. heh. paul (russell) was saying he got himself a realli good guitarist for the recordings. :) anyways, suspect u weren't there cos u had to work last night?
anyways, give em a listen, get their LP, and support local music! :) they got a free mp3 available for d/l on their website. :)
cheers all!
Paul [rusell] is a such a great producer to work with. yeah, they have their fixed line-up now, which is great for them. Salim on guitars is a very very capable replacement. definitely a pop band, i won't mind working with again. couldnt make it down to their launch yesterday, as i had my own club gig to perform. wish C-pop all the best!! 2004 is my year 'In Rock' \m/

Paul Danial.

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