I'm 19 going on 20 soon. I've written songs/lyrics(bcos to be honest, for the most parts I write lyrics) for almost 7 years and like some of you said, songwriting isn't something that has an ending. You keep doing it and then at the same time, you grow in knowledge/experience wise and so much more!
Songwriting is also one of the most therapeutic exercises that ever existed in my opinion.
I like to write about whatever I feel; about my family, my ex, my friends, how the world effects us, bullying and soooo many more! Songwriting has no boundaries! Anyone else agree?

I've always composed acoustics so it's always been me, my acoustic guitar, my computer/notebook/iphone and of course inspiration. So anytime I get an idea, I'll always have my handy dandy phone to type them out if I'm outside!

I agree that us songwriters have our bad days too, one of it is definitely writer's block :/
Nonetheless, I hope we'll always get inspirations and have something to write about.
I'd love to do a collab with acousitc bands and other songwriters. I'm sure that'll be a fun process especially when you get to share your music together with ppl who have the same interest as you.
Anyway, what do you guys usually write about ?