Any Songwriters/Lyricists here? Let's talk! :D

So like the title says, I would love to hear your stories, tips, advices or whatever that involves with songwriting!

I've always wanted a place where I could share some music talk with people who have the same interest as me.
I have friends but none of them are into what I'm into which kind of sucks in a way.

So please, feel free to talk! :p
what can i say... songwriting is the best thing ive picked up... it allows expression of anything and everything thats on my mind and catharsis of often troubling emotions

funny how there are so many things you cannot speak about comfortably to your closest friends, and yet you could go on stage and sing it out loud to an audience of strangers...

I am learning still but I guess one thing ive realised is that it is as with other art forms you gotta learn it. Just like you learn how to paint/ draw etc and master the materials before you can express yourself adequately while painting, you need to write and write and write and write before your are able to truly express yourself in your songs!

Share some demos!
I want to second what voxvirage said about writing and writing. For the first 10+ years I had no idea I was going to be a songwriter. Suddenly one day it all clicked. So that's something. Fortunately I like music so for the first 10+ years I was just doing it for fun.

I also have to say that it's something that involves a lot of analysis. An analogy that I would put up is software design. Recently they came up with this concept of "design patterns". Design patterns also exist in music composition. Learning how to be a songwriter is a design issue. People like to think of it as something mystical but it's just

1. analysing ideas in songs
2. breaking them down
3. using these ideas in your own songs

The real magic is putting things together. If you put them together in a way that doesn't fit, then you haven't written a good song. The more patterns you understand, the more music you can write. But patterns are finite and eventually you will run out of ways of combining those patterns. That is why most songwriters - even the great ones - run out of steam eventually.

If you don't understand this, never mind. There are just two main things: 1: write write write. 2: when you think of something good, write it down immediately.

My other thoughts on songwriting are provided in the links in my signature.
I'm 19 going on 20 soon. I've written songs/lyrics(bcos to be honest, for the most parts I write lyrics) for almost 7 years and like some of you said, songwriting isn't something that has an ending. You keep doing it and then at the same time, you grow in knowledge/experience wise and so much more!
Songwriting is also one of the most therapeutic exercises that ever existed in my opinion.

I like to write about whatever I feel; about my family, my ex, my friends, how the world effects us, bullying and soooo many more! Songwriting has no boundaries! Anyone else agree? :D
I've always composed acoustics so it's always been me, my acoustic guitar, my computer/notebook/iphone and of course inspiration. So anytime I get an idea, I'll always have my handy dandy phone to type them out if I'm outside! :))

I agree that us songwriters have our bad days too, one of it is definitely writer's block :/
Nonetheless, I hope we'll always get inspirations and have something to write about.

I'd love to do a collab with acousitc bands and other songwriters. I'm sure that'll be a fun process especially when you get to share your music together with ppl who have the same interest as you.

Anyway, what do you guys usually write about ? :D
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I'd love to do a collab with acousitc bands and other songwriters. I'm sure that'll be a fun process especially when you get to share your music together with ppl who have the same interest as you.

Anyway, what do you guys usually write about ? :D


I have a pile of music with no lyrics.

I can't write with a guitar or a keyboard or anything. A tune comes to my head. Sometimes, when I just wake up in the morning. I write it down. End of story. Tunes can be written in 5 mins, unless that fragment that enters my head needs to be stitched up with something else.

Lyrics take much longer.

Songwriters hit their stride in the early 20s. I started late, so I only became competent around 30 years of age. Stevie Wonder wrote "My Cherie Amour" when he was a teenager, but I think he's run out of steam.

Give me a lyric through PM. I will try to "matchmake" it with one of my songs. If there is a match I'll hopefully send you a score in due course. It could be heavily edited or whatever to make the lyrics fit. If there is no match I'll just say pass.

This offer is also extended to anybody out there who happens to read this.
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get a life


If you are Tim Simenon, I'd like to say that I really enjoyed listening to "Unknown Territory" when it came out 20 years ago. It was pretty good for its time and still holds up well today.

If you're not Tim Simenon - somebody who can't come up with an original name of his own, puts up a webpage of other peoples's music and work in his own signature - is telling me to get a life?!

Back to main topic. Limpeh just finished co-authoring a song with thread starter. Who's next?
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Bomb the Bass expanded sound?
Like you're the remix of an extension of a tribute band?.
it's just a nick to this site, nothing else
no need to be original

That's so lame! Seems like you're even worse at
coming up with comments than coming up with
original names.
there's nothing to be original here,
it's a forum, not an art space

i dun see central boy any original neither
central boy is self centered boy ???
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it's just a nick to this site, nothing else
no need to be original

there's nothing to be original here,
it's a forum, not an art space

i dun see central boy any original neither
central boy is self centered boy ???

Nick is alright. By the way it is Bomb the Bass not Bomb the Basses. What is not alright is you link to other peoples' websites on your signature as though it were yours.

What extended sound? I see your extended sound and raise you my extended middle finger.

The rest of your remarks will be disregarded because they do not meet grammatical standards.
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Nick is alright.
What is not alright is you link to other peoples'
websites on your signature as though it were yours..
I like what I like, none of your business

What extended sound? I see your extended sound
and raise you my extended middle finger.
wah? no need to get hot? chill central boy

The rest of your remarks will be disregarded
because they do not meet grammatical standards.
how petty central boy can be ?
And I thought I made up this little post SPECIFICALLY for songwriters to talk and share about MUSIC. Dude, I have no idea what's your age but I am 19 and I have never argued in social sites because it makes no sense and when other people see it, they will for sure, call you people naive but if you really want to settle this thing going on between both of you, please do it somewhere else.
So, reflect and for SOFT and MUSIC sake, calm down ok.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it if you'd understand.
Have a nice night/day and take care.
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