any easy songs for a beginner to start playing with?


Hehes lol dragonfrce. i cant even play the first riff !hahaha
btw i started with blink 182-adams song
metallica-master or puppets(1st riff ony):rolleyes:
Almost every one of those suggestions are ridiculous as a first song suggestion - especially suggesting barring early on. This can do permanent damage to the wrist, ulnar nerve, and carpal tunnel.

Oh shit, are you bloody serious? Because I forced myself to play barr chords till it hurt for hours on end at times, it kinda accelerated my learning process though... I did progress faster than my friends... Hopefully I didn't cause any permanent damage.
Hmm yea I've learned quite a lot of easy songs since I started this thread..

But thanks for your recommendations anyway =D

try punk rock songs.... mostly, bar chords and only 3 or 4 notes...

Blink 182 - Dammit ( i totally hate that song man)
Responsibility - MXPX
Green Day - when i come around, basket case... etc, most of them are dirt easy...

try some old skool rock la... some are pretty easy to follow
Black Sabbath - NIB, Paranoid, Iron Man... etc
ACDC - Back in Black, TNT

or if u want alternative... can try

RadioHead - Creep, Street Spirits, Fake Plastic Tree...
Stereophonic - Handbags and Gladrags, Dakota...

dude... just listen to more music.... surely u can find something u can play one....

green day songs are easy to start off with..
cute without the e by taking back sunday is nice and simple.
many songs out there. go for green day. songs like basketcase, american idiot, st jimmy. yeap.
er wonderwall? for strengthening the grip and toughening the skin of your little finger. if your guitar has high action it really helps. but it hurts like hell. no pain no gain, right?

try to play songs with barre chords instead of power chords. try not to skip by playing power chords without learning how to bar. barring is one of the most important lessons in a beginner's journey. unfortunately i was self-taught and started off wrong. trying to warn the beginners not to make the same mistakes i made.
Green Day, Blink 182, all the punk stuff are easy to start off with their just 3-5 powerchords and they sound real catchy. Actually, just learn what you like, don't force yourself to learn something you don't like.
