Anberlin in Singapore June 3rd

The Home Club show was 16 and above as clubs are allowed to let in anyone below that age (even with tagging)

glad to hear that everyone enjoyed the show.
Do post your pics here!
I love Copeland, but I think Anberlin performed better at Homeclub last night...Plus, there were more Anberlin fans to sing along and all.So there was def more energy with Anberlin.
both the shows were awesome! i think the acoustic show was more intimate and personal but the 3rd june one was hell loads of fun!!! everyone was nuts man! the crowd surfers were awesome . :D i think anberlin really likes singapore!!

the opening acts were really good too...especially vertical rush on 3/6 and pencil tracings on 4/6. some local talent are really awesome! :D but too bad some people aren't too bothered with with local music.

me and my twin got to meet anberlin and they are damn nice! i hope they come back soon man! stephen said maybe they'll come in jan! hope they bring along the other tooth and nail bands! :D too bad underoath changed to solid state...oh well.

i hope paramore comes too...and THE USED! :D
they were really a bunch of nice ppl and thx stephen for letting me see them doing reheasal and taking vids.haha.
saw desmond from electrico too=)
deon introduced himself to me,then i was like..ha,i know your name.
he was kinda shy,haha.
haha,i see lots of paramore fans here.

okay,i wanna see FOB again. i miss patrick martin stumph so!

FOB's kinda still part of FBR,hehe.

sorry im off topic too~
Anberlin does a lot of covers..

I like Tori Amos version!! i like anything and everything Tori Amos..ahah.a..are there any fans here?
re: Opinion..

it's beyond me..

3 mths ago, whichever studio i went to, for jamming purposes, nearly everyone is playing Muse..

i've ever conversed with these pple and my fav question that i pose to them is..

'guys, have u ever jammed out to 'Deadstar'? (it's by Muse too)..

and they shoot back blank looks to me..

and now, the Paramore bug has caught on..

i mean, if u remove the band members of Paramore except the vocalist, u'll get a lone female act which is no different to the JLo's, the Britney Spears', etc..

what bout jamming out to the tunes of The Cranberries, Lacuna Coil, Auf Der Maur, Kittie, etc..

man, it baffles me..

go on la, flame me la, say things like 'aiya Krist, you're just a beginner drummer, you talk so much', etc..