Anberlin in Singapore June 3rd

the show was awesome!
so when me and my friend came we saw copeland doing soundcheck and saw anberlin guys walked passed us but we didnt ask for pictures..hahaah.

anybody who missed the show tonight,
they gonna have a secret show on monday too=)
haha,at home club,copeland+anberlin

i took some vids but now im too tired to upload.i may upload them to youtube later :D
please, just don't bring Paramore here next year.
february - august.
O levels to prepare.
BIIIIIIIIIIIG paramore fan here too.

even when the girl beside me at one point of the anberlin set was very "stop-pushing-(*still-pushes-people-and-step-on-their-feet-with-her-heels*)-!!"

I'm so happy the homeclub thing has no age limit.
now I'll go to sleep happy.
what time is the show at home club by the way? entry fee is 20 bucks and 10 bucks if you still got your ticket from today's show by the way.
Who wants my two Anberlin+Copeland tix stubs for the Homeclub secret show.

5 bucks each

Think of it this way...I get "discount" off my $60 ticket and YOU get $5 discount off the $20 Secret Show ticket ... win win for both of us.

those interested pm me with name and contact.
i didnt get to watch them but i happened meet them at raffles city today.took some photos with them and they autographed my ap mag.they were saying abt homeclub tmr.

so i was just wondering what time is it tmr?
Both bands were just awesome. Aaron played BEAUTIFULLY. very very touching moment. the drummer was damn good as usual. Anberlin was explosive (stephen was very expressive huh? nice work). christian was the coolest dude. nate is very very skinny. the end. great show.

did you guys catch the two puppets dancing from backstage? haha. funny.
re: Opinion..

how come no one mentioned bout the local bands that performed???
crowd energy was first high with Vertical Rush. I personally thought the local bands were good, but I guess most of the crowd were getting impatient for Anberlin and Copeland.
You could hear the sigh when Marchtwelve played their 2nd last song.

Today, was, awesome. Although I couldn't get into the club because of the age restrictions, it was awesome to be able to listen from the outside, and the so called 'backstage', the place in the mall.

Stephen said they trying to come back again, somewhere in January. Hope they do!
sycododo: thanks for the kind comments about the local bands.

by the way... the home club show was all-ages. i think.
what's the big hooha about Paramore? i don't get it.

i personally think that the bands in SG with female vocalists are trying to hard to be Paramore. but again, that's just my own opinion.