

New member
hi guys what amps give a nice mellow, sweet clean tone not muddy or too fat slightly bright but not too treblish and thin and kickass distortion eg. the gnr, megadeth types at the same time? i may consider investing in a new amp once i got the cash instead of sticking with my practise amp 15 watter.

esp subversion..some recommendations pls!
blahblah said:
hi guys what amps give a nice mellow, sweet clean tone not muddy or too fat slightly bright but not too treblish and thin and kickass distortion eg. the gnr, megadeth types at the same time? i may consider investing in a new amp once i got the cash instead of sticking with my practise amp 15 watter.

esp subversion..some recommendations pls!

Tech21 Trademark 10 or 30. :)
blahblah said:
kickass distortion eg. the gnr, megadeth types at the same time?

i dont think the fender would be able to get you that kind of distortion by itself and you would probably need to enlist the help or distortion pedals - of which there are many available.

However, i myself am a believer that distortion should be kept raw from the amp and if budget is not much of a problem, id recommend the marshall dsl401 or the tsl combos to nail that tone (with the right guitar) without any fuss.

If you are on a budget, the avt50 should do the job pretty fine too, i used it for 3 years before i went rack.

Imo, the marshall sound is what you are after, judging by the 2 bands you listed above
maybe you'd need a les paul classic with semor duncans alincoII and a fisherman power bridge... oh, and a few packs of galintos and marbolos... :D
Probably a Riveria, for Fender-ish cleans and a marshally overdrive. Hmm but consider that GnR has a very much different tone from Megadeth, one being smooth plexi and another more trebley crunch. But at bedroom levels I suggest an amp with a nice clean, maybe a blues junior or laney LC15R and using a pedal like those from the Sansamp line to drive it. Not the best tone on earth but your neighbours will love you and it would definitely have better tone than a plexi on 1.
Newbie said:
-Whats your budget?
-You live in HDB? If not how many watts you expecting the amp to be?

for me no need too powerful cause bedroom rocking only.. :P i live n condo..not much diff la. budget wise..dunno man i'm just looking around..i dont have cash to spare now anyway..prolly get during cny or sth.
get a laney stack or something, cause your ibanez works best with laneys... plus laneys aren't that expensive like fenders or marshalls...
Vox Valvetronix AD30VT amp, has 11 amp models, from low gain to high gain amps, suits all ur needs and ur pocket too :D
mobius, i'm blaze, and i shot you down... By the way, the VOX AD30VT is a digital amp is it? and how much is it?
head + cabinet (tube amp) marshall kekekekek
or marshall 15 watt + (tech 21 GT2 + MXR eql 10bands + bose noise gate or MXR smart gate and super comp...)...make your own setup man !!! cool... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
spikes said:
get a laney stack or something, cause your ibanez works best with laneys... plus laneys aren't that expensive like fenders or marshalls...

which laney model? im not planning to spend much when i've got the cash..probably around 500 plus minus.

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