Amps Choice


New member
hey softies!

I'm stuck in choosing between these amps!

Vox Pathfinder 15r, Roland cubex 20, Line 6 spider 112 50w, vox vt40.

Budget hopefully around 200-300

Love to have all your opinions =)
I'd go with Vox. Straight up cleans Pathfinder is the best, the VT has more stuff to play around with, then Cube then Line 6. But seriously go try them out and see if you like it!
yeah tried vox pathfinder.
need to try the vox vt, cube and line 6
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oh yea, not to mention one more!
i need an portable amp which i can bring around overseas etc.
will be going around the world for holiday till next year.
any ideas softies? hm

Honestly, I think Line 6's are fine, my cousin has one. One of the best on board distortions, the insane setting lah that is
isn't the vox pathfinder 15r cheaper than that? i bought one like 4 years ago for 170 or something. cleans are the best. distortion will suffice. play cleaner any amount of distortion enough. haha
yeh you can get the pathfinder for like 120 2nd hand. for that price, why not the ac4tv. its tube! haha.

but really, if you want portable and versatile, the cube is very much recommended.
ooh! Thanks for all your input. I'm gonna try ac4tv and pathfinder again.
These two are the main amps that I'm gonna try out.
It's 120 for 2nd hand?

Which portable? Possible to fit in lagguage?
Cube? Roland cube?
Ac4tv? I saw a lot of different prices for ac4tv. Kinda lost already.
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The ac4 is going for 298 at Sound Alchemy. how bout the vox mini 3? It can operate on batt and is pretty decent sounding for such a small amp!
yeah just go searching through the forums. definitely can find a seller for 120 bucks. personally thought the cube was way too digital.. dunno. pathfinder seems like the best choice to me still. currently still own one. and it looks awesome too
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strange NuX mighty series is not in your list, that's my fav small digital amp

Haha! That's why i'm asking for input ma! xD

Imma go test for both. Able to put in lagauge for oversea trip and play at home. Nux mighty and pathfinder? Both can be placed in lagguage?