Amp or Pedals?


New member
Was torn between placing this in the gear section or here.

Anyway, hello i'm currently using a smarvo practice amp, a zoom g2 and a squier strat (california series) if that helps anything. Till now i've been unable to find the exact model of my guitar online, so i'm not really sure.

I need some advice on whether i should be getting a better amp or some pedals. I've got about 300-400 to spare. I think $100+ should cut it for a better practice amp? But i'm quite prepared to spend 300+ on a better one since i'm not the type to change gear often.

I also wanted pedals because i'm starting to feel like i can't get the sounds i want with the G2. The thing is, since i'm still a lousy guitarist, i don't know if any of these gears will actually help me? Since all i need to improve is just plain ol' practice.

That said, i know how good it feels to actually get the sweet sounds that we desire, i've been tinkering with my G2 trying to get a good overdrive tone as well as a dreamy chorus effect but it's just barely there. My influences range from K.I.S.S(can't seem to get the overdrive sound on songs like strutter) to metallica to RHCP(the chorus-y effects) to some of the heavier CGCFAD and standard C tuning stuff. All of which i have not been able to emulate well with my current setup. Maybe you guys could give me some much needed tips.


Damn, forgot to add that i was thinking of the danelectro $27 pedals to start with since it's my first step into analog pedals but i think i'd be better off with maybe a decent overdrive/distortion and chorus pedal. As for amps, i was quite interested in the line6 amps seeing all the features but from what i read, they sound rather digital and that's what i want to step away from. I heard vox is pretty good and i see some of you guys selling them in the buy/sell section. Then again there' someone selling a marshall MGDFX 30 and i'm quite interested in that yes....opinions please?
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If you feel that you're still a beginning guitarist and will not be gigging anytime yet, both choices are readily available.

I have at times jammed on the Smarvo amp, and although it is nothing fantastic, it does the job fairly well.

In my opinion, your problem lies with the G2. I very rarely get the sounds I want from such budget multi effects either. Multi effects offer a great stepping stone for a beginner to understand what is a chorus, or what a flange sounds like. Once a person understands the fundamentals, I highly recommend picking up individual pedals with a more powerful ability to tweak and experience the controls. Sometimes, once we understand in detail the capabilities of individual effects, we may choose to invest in a powerful, tweakable multi effects like the Boss GT8.

If you have more experienced friends, it would be great to shop with them or try out their pedals, as if you are like I was in the past, you'd probably be too embarrassed to try them out at shops.

Alternatively, as you have mentioned, the Danelectro Fab series pedals are actually awesome for their price. I have a friend who loves the red distortion pedal, while I love the overdrive, and the chorus pedal is a mainstay on my pedalboard. The echo pedal isn't too useful without being modded though, and the Flange is fun, but a little generic. They are cheap pedals though and it won't hurt your wallet to try a few out.

Remember to ask for the free and immediate Yamaha membership before you buy the pedals. They'll take down some information and give you a membership card on the spot, which you can then use for a discount on the pedals. They'll be $24 then.

If you decide to go the amp route, that is good too. Amp tones are a little subjective and not so tweakable, so you have to shop carefully.

Ultimately, you want to buy something that will inspire you and make you want to play day and night.
Yea you're right about wanting to try at the shops, quite embarrassing.

I guess my next question is what pedals would you recommend? Maybe around the 100-200 range. I've yet to fully identify the difference between overdrive and distortion. What i understand is that distortion gives a screaming effect and overdrive a crunch i halfway there? I'm usually confused because most "metal" pedals seem to give a bit of both. By metal i mean things like 'uber metal' and 'metal muff'. I'd like a pedal that can handle a blues crunch as well as heavy metal riffs. I like the sounds of the strokes, the hives and arctic monkeys as well. So should i be investing in a overdrive or distortion pedal?

As for chorus i can't think of anything right now except to tell you that i want to get that dreamy spacey effect i hear so often in songs. I've yet to achieve that with my G2 even after tweaking the chorus + reverb for hours.

After reading your post i'm more decided on getting pedals right now, since i'm still practising at home there's probably not much need for a better amp yet. A good one costs a bomb too. I'll check out the danelectro pedals, i just don't want to buy on impulse because they're cheap and then crave for something better later on. Might be a good first start to experimenting with pedals though. Thanks for the tip on the yahama membership btw
You could pop by Ebenex and have a test at pedals.

And there are tons of good amps out there which are cheap. 1 would be the Vox Valvetronix Series, it has 1 tube in it, and has a very good digital modeling :D
I'd recommend getting a pedal, because many distortion pedals can easily create tube-sounding tone which is smoother, fatter and more powerful. When you jam, you can also bring your pedal along and have more constant tone.

For bedroom stuff, I don't think getting a big amp is advisable because you can't crank it up without the police coming to your door. My little 10-watt is always kept at below half even on clean channel because beyond that, its too damn loud. An affordable distortion pedal would be the faithful Boss DS-1. Can easily get second hand around $60-70, or brand new for $80-90 at Standard Value.
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There are many differing explanations of overdrive/distortion/fuzz.

For me I always think of it this way:
overdrive - SRV
distortion - AC/DC
metal - Metallica
fuzz - Jimi Hendrix

If you want something that's versatile enough to handle blues crunch and heavy metal, I would say start with a Boss DS1. They're easily available second hand at about $60 and sell pretty easily for that price too. It isn't too good for SRV drive, or metallica chug, but lies somewhere in between, somewhat AC/DC. Modded, the DS1 can be pretty darn good.

For the strokes, the hives and arctic monkeys, they probably use a nice tube Fender amp turned up. In pedal form, the closest affordable thing is usually an overdrive, probably a tubescreamer in any form is a good start. The Fab overdrive isn't too bad either, but it doesn't sell that well on the 2nd hand market should you want to. Oh, i recommend the Digitech Bad Monkey. It's more or less a tubescreamer with some tweaks, and very affordable at about $80. Quite a highly rated pedal too and had been a mainstay on my board for about a year in the past.
+1 to the Digitech Bad Monkey. I recently bought one from a fellow SOFTie. Its definitely a very bassy-sounding overdrive, with a wide range of gain. I like it so much! I'm mostly a metal player and use it mostly as a booster, but the times I play rock, its standalone. Awesome pedal.

I'd say its more worth it than the Danelectro fab. The Bad monkey has solid metal construction and built like a friggin tank. I don't think I'll be changing to anything else for a long time, so if you want something that will probably be long-term, go for the Bad Monkey.
Actually, if you get a reasonably good amp, like a Line 6 or a Fender Cyber Deluxe with all that DSP and modelling built-in, you might just throw away your efx pedals for now...:twisted:
Hmm thanks for the advice so far.

I actually went out to get a danelectro fab metal and fab chorus today. Just to see how a pedal would be like and to experiment with things...since it's just $27 each. I actually still have cash for an amp upgrade. I don't need an amp with all the crazy effects built in, i'll be getting individual effects pedals for that. I just want an amp with a good clean sound, although i wouldn't mind a good reverb on it. The valvetronix sounds good actually. Budget aside, i'd still love to get a marshall.

Right now i have my guitar->fab metal->fab chorus->zoom g2->amp

I linked up the G2 to use as a tuner and to get some reverb/delay with my 2 pedals. The drum machine helps a bit too. Doing this made me realize that when i turn the drum machine on the G2 on, i actually lose the reverb coming from my amp. Is it a problem with the amp?
Gd for u man.
If your'e planning to get the vox amp hurry and do it now.
JUst went down to city music yesterday and currently theres a sale for their vavltronix xl line of amps. I think its around $170 for their 30w and 200+ For their 50w. Do it while there's still stock left.

For learning the guitar, theres no better amp than the line6 spider jam if your willing to wait to save a bit more. If u can't wait try to get a 2nd hand fender GDEc. The built in rhythm and jam tracks will do a lot for your skill and timing if u practise with those. The spider jam even allows u to record your own chord progressions then solo over it. Then overdub over it again and again and again!!!

For the marshall try to get the avtx series of amps. I believe theres a guy selling the 20w version over here in soft at the buy/sell.

Gd luck man and Rock on!!!
What's the difference between the xl ones and the non xl ones? besides the xl series being newer.

$170 for 30w sounds good though.

Also, since i'm running my multi effects with 2 pedals, i think it's best that i get an adaptor that can daisy chain all of them. I'm assuming those pedalboards that come with adaptors are expensive? So i'll probably just get an adaptor now and a soft pedalcase in the future. I'll probably also need patch cables. I'm using normal cables right now and they're ridiculously messy. Is there a better place to get these other than city music?
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I prob shouldn't spoonfeed u. BUt since im feeling nice today


Adaptor: Vs (visual sound) one spot get from g77 while they have stock. Which is currently. Once they run out u may have to wait a couple of months b4 its available again. The Vs daisy chain is the best in the market today.

Patch cables?
heres a local online store that sells them
Standard Value - Your Favorite Online Store! - Tone Drive 1FT Patch Cable (Powered by CubeCart)
Haha sorry about having to spoonfeed. I actually went to the vox site yesterday and read all that but i was hoping you guys had some personal experiences to share. That said, the valvetronix xl looks pretty good on paper. Too bad it's a Sunday today.

I'll pop by g77 maybe tmr along with a visit to citymusic.
Yeah while you're there u might as well try the vox pathfinder 10w/15w.

Also do try the line 6 series of amps. The clean is clearer but its all on individual tastes

30w and below i prefer the vox valvetronix series.
50w and above i prefer the line 6 series.
Okay i'm back from my mini outing to city hall. I managed to get the 1spot adaptor from g77 at $35. It's the normal price right? They were out of stock on VS daisy chains so i got some unknown brand ones for $7.50.

Amp wise, i went to blackwood and tried an Orange 15w amp (didn't catch the model no.) and also to swee lee to try the 15x/20x. I was told by the guy at blackwood that the roland would take pedals better, but that i should consider the orange as well.

I've thought of saving up a bit more for the 30x instead, since if i want to get a new amp i might as welll make a bigger jump from my smarvo. Not that having no effects on the 15x matters. Haven't gone down to citymusic for a taste of the vox yet though.
My take on this is, get a good amp first.

You may not realise it yet, but the amp plays a bigger role in defining your sound than pedals. Take the most expensive pedals you can find, run it through the Smarvo, and you will still sound like you're playing with a blanket over your amp.

Try this, bring your pedalboard/multi FX with you to test out amps, and plug your setup into a good amp - and i mean a GOOD one, like a small tube amp, for instance. Then compare that tone with the tone you hear through your Smarvo, and you will see (hear) what I mean. Doesn't mean you have to buy a tube amp now, but this is a good way to discover what good tone should sound like.

But if you upgrade your amp, those Danelectros will let you down - ever heard of the term 'tone suck'? You will soon.

Head down to blackwood to mess about with all the FX you've never heard of, as well as try out some very decent amps.

Okay so don't be surprised to see a few danelectro pedals at the buy/sell section soon haha. I've had my eye on the diststation ever since the guy at blackwood recommended it and i went back home to hear some sound samples.

But yes a new amp is always gonna be on my mind. My interest for the 30x is fading. Maybe because when i tried the cubes at swee lee i didn't fully test it out.