Advice on MIJ fenders


New member
Just wondering which should i consider....




i have yet to try these, but i wonder if anyone could give some advices first. Like what is the difference between these two? Are they worth the buy? Which is more value for money in the long run?
current batch of J-Craft Fenders are superb IMO. try them, if it's within your means, but do not look forward to a faithful replica of what they are meant to be.
actually most of the MIJ fenders are pretty awesome value for money strats.... well made and good sounding(subjective)

do try out the vintage single coils vs the texas specials as they are very different in character. diff models also have diff neck profiles and fret wire sizes...etc which may affect your decision .. bottom line is that you should just head down to G77... or Davis...etc... and try em out... until you find the one. THE ONE.