Advice needed for Paiste PT3 16" Crash


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Advice needed for Paiste PST3 16" Crash


This is going out to anyone who has used Paiste cymbals or have used the PST3 16" Crash. Anyone got experience on using the above cymbal? e.g. how you like its sound and what you think of it.

Just dropped by Ranking the other day and realised they sell this cymbal for only $90. I was wondering why it is so cheap since it is brand new and I was thinking of buying it but thought twice as a $90 brand new cymbal is too good to be true!

And also any thoughts on the PST3 series?

Thanks in advance!
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I heard the sound sample on the Paiste website and the reason why it's so cheap is that it sounds like %@#%#. Strange that cos I think my old Paiste 402 16" crash sounds pretty good even though it's also cheap. I'm also searching for cheap but nice sounding (is that possible?) crash cymbals cos i keep cracking mine. :(
I heard the sound sample on the Paiste website and the reason why it's so cheap is that it sounds like %@#%#. Strange that cos I think my old Paiste 402 16" crash sounds pretty good even though it's also cheap. I'm also searching for cheap but nice sounding (is that possible?) crash cymbals cos i keep cracking mine. :(

Bro, check out the Istanbul alchemy line of crashes. They're cheap and good.

If you're constantly cracking cymbals, its either your technique that's faulty, or your cymbals are too tight. Try loosening the wingnuts on your cymbal stand.

thanks for the reply man. I was hearing the sound file too and found the sound weird but i guessed i was blinded by the cheap price of it. haha. on a tight budget now.

oh yes, alvyn, where can i find the Istanbul alchemy crashes? which shops deal with it?
hi DMR, paiste 3 cymbals are meant for practice. Soundwise, they're soft even when you hit hard, but the tone is not bad.

And for Istanbul Agop and Alchemy cymbals, ezimusic is the dealer.

tany: drum resource sells Istanbul Mehmet bro..
people might get confused on the ISTANBUL cymbal company...

it's two separate companies.. both holding up the logo and name ISTANBUL.

One's agop and the other's mehmet...
zack, excelsior hotel basement.
DMR, brass alloy i think.

still i dont get how its soft when u hit hard, paiste 101 also damn soft even when hit hard.

anyone can shed some light on this?
Thnx man...

soft sound though hit hard??...mayb its cause by thick metal....thus vibrating slower...mayb oni la...
Hit harder?

Contrary to popular believe, hitting a cymbal (or anypart of the drum) does not make it louder once it's at its "maximum" volume.

For a cymbal, if you hit it harder just to get a louder sound, all you do is to damage your cymbal. Ie. if you use a 15" thin crash and expect it to cut through a wall of sound.

For a drum, if you hit it harder, all you do is choke the sound because you're hitting way too hard for the skins to resonate properly.