add your review request here

Yo subversion.. Have you try the timbre guitar before? Can you make a review of the Timbre guitar? Greatly appreciated though.. :D
is there any one here who had brought the sx gg 1 pack guitar?

edit: opps sorry! just found out there is a review at the last page! really sorry!

sir- i played the Studio Ash 2nd Edition (the initial edition features dot fretboard markers which is still pictured in the Gibson homepage) while it was still available @ Davis (it wasn't even $1,700- worth it IMO). for the love of me, i am still wondering why i didn't grab that guitar because it plays beautifully & the tone is a slight departure from the typical Gibsons- it has added clarity in both pickups. i personally detest the Gibson 490/ 498 humbuckers on grounds of single notes definition but the ash in this guitar has significant tonal influence to make the guitar sing.

on that consideration, the ash-bodied LPs are one-up in terms of default clarity so naturally the discontinued Voodoo LP was my subsequent target but this one's also gone from Davis...

Hey subversion i was wondering if you could give a brief "review" on some of the good and affordable guitars like the "scheter 006 vs ibanez grg170dx" or something like that coz I have a peavey raptor exp right now and i feel like upgrading into some more stylish as well as better sound quality. The problem is i have no idead what to get. thanks.
hi there my friend 8)

if you have a special request for GUITAR A vs GUITAR B, do PM me. it's quite pointless to do/ accumulate that here because it would cease to be a useful reference.