Active or passive pickups?

but wads the sound diff? i am using an active pickup. and it has less hissing sound when you plug it to the amp than passive..
but wad so speacial abt active?
Active signals are pre-amplified, and are generally hotter than passive signals.

This helps in:
- higher output
- reducing signal loss through cable transmission
- obtaining a more intrinsically "sonically balanced" tone
- greater flexibility of altering tone through onboard EQ

For passive pickups... each have their own kind of sound, and some people like the unique tone of certain passives. The difference is not as great between active pickups.
personal preference actually ..

i'm a big fan of actives, reason due to their ability to cut through the mix and fit into most contemporary music styles of today.

i'm also a fan of passives, due to their classic and signature tones and it just being classic. alot of great hits and records were recording with passive pickups, e.g. p or j style pickups especially fenders. =)

The diff is only the volume level and it brightness. Active is louder and passive has a brighter sound but like they said its a problem when the battery is going dead as it sounds flat. Thats y my musicman has both active and passive in it ahahahax
one useful way to tell the difference between an active bass tone and a passive one is to listen to any James Jameson or Jaco record and correct me if i'm wrong, but it would be hard to achieve the same tone on an active bass? or, getting close to Jaco's tone is still possible, but the thumpy Jameson bop..? i think that was classic passive J-pups all the way..
I used to use passive basses, just recently switch to an active one. The active bass gives me more control on the bass itself rather then relying on effects or the amps. End of the day I wouldn't be sticking to a single type of bass, active or passive I would change it anyday :lol:
Active or Passive

Just my luck, did it ever happen to you that suddenly the electronics of the active pickups suddenly died?

It did, and have to retort to borrow another bass from a colleague.

This is what i have about the active part :???:
i would prefer an active pre-amp with a push/pull knob to switch between active/passive. some active are too hot for the pedals and might not work as well as the passives.

so i would rather have actvie pre-amps on a passive pups
in simple terms, vintage = warmth (strong mids, weaker highs)

i'm quite flexible such that i can do with either active or passive basses. for me i can't really make the active tone work for mellower songs. on the other hand, vintage tones wont be lost in heavier, more modern music. then again it's all about the player's preference and how he can make the tone work for him

but i've tried active triple coils before, and it wasn't really my thing
i don't like having a battery in my music instrument. it's just too much worry for me... yes i'm lazy and i like it that way :)