A serious moral dilema.

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Here's a dilemma...

With all your honor and dignity, what would you do? Please don't answer without giving it serious thought. By giving an honest answer you will be able to test where you stand morally.

The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation, where you will have to make a decision one way or the other. Please scroll down slowly and consider each line- this is important for the test to work accurately.

You're in Florida... in Miami, to be exact. There is great chaos going on around you, caused by a hurricane and severe floods. There are huge masses of water all over you. You are a news photographer and you are in the middle of this great disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot very impressive photos. There are houses and people floating around you, disappearing into the water. Nature is showing all its destructive power.

Suddenly you see a man in the water, fighting for his life, trying not to be taken away by the masses of water and mud. You move closer. Somehow the man looks familiar.

Suddenly you know who it is -- it's George W. Bush!

At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take him away, forever. You have two options. You can save him or you can take the best photo of your life. So you can save the life of George W. Bush, or you can shoot a Pulitzer prize winning photo, a unique photo displaying the death of one of the world's most powerful men.

And here's the question (please give an honest answer):

Would you select color film, or rather go with the simplicity of classic black and white?
i would let him die.

he deserves to die over and over again for all the unrest and problems he caused in some countries.

i would NOT save him.perhaps i could PRETEND to try to save him.

but i definitely WONT!
black and white no doubt. for the sheer iconism and the fact that not all newspapers print in colour, so i might as well maximise the BW greyscale.

I'd go with colour, so that the newspapers can have the option of photo-shopping him in greyscale or colour hehehehe.

But seriously lah. That guy is a fool, and those who voted for him are fools too. Sorry, it's just my opinion.
You guys missed the point...the choice never was to save him...it was for you to choose to shoot him in color or black and white, lol...
df..now that u mentioned it..

I'd go with black and white!


looks like u dun live up to ur nick..which is better? saving a life which will destroy many other lives? or saving MANY MANY other lives with the sacrifice of one?

BE SMART! :roll:
Bro ChanMin bro, in these turbulent times, I'm aghast by your lack of knowledge.

You are still using anarogue? INSANE!!!

Almost everyone and his pet dog are using digital cameras!!! Even bro edder bro has one!
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