A minor scale patterns


New member
hey guys..does anyone know of a good site which shows u diff patterns of the A minor scale??? not the A minor pentatonic but just A minor scale...i tried googling it but nothing good came out...pls help..thanks guys
hey guys..does anyone know of a good site which shows u diff patterns of the A minor scale??? not the A minor pentatonic but just A minor scale...i tried googling it but nothing good came out...pls help..thanks guys

Hehe... you are in the right site already... you just need to ask the right person hahaha!

Relationship between major and minor scales.

Many of us knows how to play the major scales but some are confused over the minor scales. There are 3 types of minor scales: Harmonic, melodic & natural. Over here, I'll briefly discuss the relationship of the major & minor scales. (Do not get confused with the term harmonic & melodic as in harmonic & melodic intervals) Here, we will use A major and different forms of A minor as example.

Major Scale in the key of A (accending/going up)
A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G#, A (T, T, S, T, T, T, S)
Major scales are the same when played accending and decending(going down)

Harmonic Minor Scale in the key of A
To play a harmonic minor scale, simply flat(b) the 3rd and 6th degree of a major scale. This case, A is the 1st, B is the 2nd and C# is the 3rd and etc.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G#, A
Harmonic minor scales are the same accending and decending.

Melodic Minor Scale in the key of A
Accending A, B, C, D, E, F#, G#, A (Flat the 3rd of a major; C# becomes C)
Decending A, G, F, E, D, C, B, A (Flat the 3rd, 6th & 7th of a major scale)

Natural Minor Scale in the key of A
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A (Flat the 3rd, 6th & 7th of a major scale)
Natural Minor Scale is the same accending and decending. Notice that it is the same form as a melodic minor decending. (Not tested in major exam boards, can ignore this form.)

On a minor scale, the 3rd degree is always flatten(b). To play a simplfied version of a minor scale, flat the 3rd or mediant of a major scale.

# Sharp
b Flat
Hope this helps.
Hmm, yeah, right site! But i'm sure google has something like what MadWerewolfBoy said. Or Yahoo it. And addressing the question... There are three types of minor scales. Which are you looking for?
hey guys..does anyone know of a good site which shows u diff patterns of the A Nike dunks minor scale??? not the A minor pentatonic but just A minor scale...i tried googling it but nothing good came out...pls help..thanks guys

yes,you can follow by the 3rd..:)
he said correctly and you can understand quckily.
good luck for u.
yes,you can follow by the 3rd..:)
he said correctly and you can understand quckily.
good luck for u.
Hey rebeccacai

just curious, how come all ur quotes (ok so far only two) have easter eggsin them?

ur above quote has Nike dunks which links to http://www.nike-dunks.us/

and ur other post here http://soft.com.sg/forum/people-drums/168119-where-should-i-learn-drums.html#post1058588 has
Designer Handbags which links to http://www.luxury-bags.org/

lol are u advertising or ur computer kena virus liao?
A minor scale

Major and minor scales are different because of thier sound.Depending on how you look at it,you dont have to learn a natural minor scale at all since it is practicaly the same as a major scale.Scales should be looked upon as how they relate to one another-that way you cut down a lot of time practicing scales since there are a lot of scales to learn.A natural minor scale is actually a mode of the major scale i.e Aeolian mode.So an A minor scale is the same as C major scale-only starting on the A note(6th degree of C major).In this example,the A natural minor scale is caled the relative minor of C major.As for the explanation of the harmonic and melodic minor scales pls refer to the post from stringcast.
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