a/b selectors


New member
hey... does anyone know where i can get an a/b selector apart from swee lee... thats the only place around that i can seem to find that carrys them.... and they only have boss.

you have blueark bro who does them by hand

you can check with mrmisse for the EH switchblade if it suits your application.
Bro blueark bro:

loopmaster bro (available at tymusiccenter):

EHX big big bro (available at mrmisse):
any of those above produces hum when used with two amps ..??
is it transformer coupled ??


save you mons and go for the Radial "Big Shot" !!
gsonique said:
any of those above produces hum when used with two amps ..??
is it transformer coupled ??


save you mons and go for the Radial "Big Shot" !!

not everyone intends to use a A/B or A/B/Y as a splitter to 2 amps lah....

Radial... that name sounds expensive.
if it is transformer coupled...

and if the audio transformer used is of good quality...

Get it people!!!


you won't know how HARD it is to find a reasonably good audio transformer what more to find out that can fit into a stompbox.
verified lah ...big shot ...get it while its cheap !!
Btw edder when you gig at high volume/gain any kinda line switching gives noise issues!!
BTW if anyone is ordering from there and the total bill comes up to more than $199, I have a 10% discount coupon for today only :D

To add versatility, the BigShot ABY has a built-in transformer that can be engaged to eliminate troublesome ground loops. Once on, you can also ensure your two amps are properly in phase using the 180º polarity reverse switch.
gsonique said:
verified lah ...big shot ...get it while its cheap !!
Btw edder when you gig at high volume/gain any kinda line switching gives noise issues!!

1. I don't gig
2. I play at pussy hdb volume
3. I don't use stereo amp but I will one fine day when I'm either balding or greying and enjoying the good ol days.

but this radial hor... super value for money if it the audio transformer does not degrade the guitar signal.

Everyone should own one.
i will ask my fren/customer to do a review on it here asap ...btw he is gig'in muso !!

Local distro don't carry this ... :(
gsonique said:
verified lah ...big shot ...get it while its cheap !!
Btw edder when you gig at high volume/gain any kinda line switching gives noise issues!!

Ah heh a lot of people use the A/B switches just for switching to tuner :D I ground the signal when switched so no issues here :D

But that bigshot for that price is OMG 8O
blueark... are you thinking what I'm thinking?

m....m....m.....m...a...a....a.... s....s........ ORDER!!!!

hahaha... I swear I won't organise any mass ordering! My patience is only so thin.

Hope someone else takes the lead.
Beats me who will lead... i guess the first name on the list will lead! hahahaha.... not much hair also to pull anyway! :twisted:

Radial Big Shot Mass Order
1. Goose
2. Ark
3. Edder

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