A/B and A+B box in one


New member
Hey guys, was wondering if you know anywhere that I can get an A/B and A+B box in one and how much it'll cost? Idea behind it is that I can switch between 2 drives, combine 2 drives or just totally bypass it for a clean signal.
Most accessible is via TY. I enquired this before. Probably $100-ish.

this1smyne had a sweet PASSIVE dual true bypass loop for quite cheap. No LEDs so it's passive.
Yup just called them and they said $100 bucks, but a softie quoted me $90 for it! Hmm must have LEDs, if not during live situations will get mixed up etc.
It does.

Dual Truebypass box applications would be:
2 loops in bypass (bypass both pedals/chains) so it goes through everything
Activate either loop
Activate both loops at the same time

Guitar - TU2 - Loop A (SD1) - Loop B (Rat) - DMM - Amp
Bypass would be:
Guitar - TU2 - DMM - Amp
Activate any loop would be:
Guitar - TU2 - Loop A (SD1) - DMM - Amp
Guitar - TU2 - Loop B (Rat) - DMM- Amp
Or activate both to get:
Guitar - TU2 - Loop A (SD1) - Loop B (Rat) - DMM - Amp

Isn't that what you want?
Maybe you're confused by the term. This can be used as an A/B and A+B in one box. It's not just to isolate your buffered pedals. It can function as an effects loop on it's own. And in this case, 2 independent ones.
The link you sent me was for the mini TBP box, not the dual one, maybe that was why I thought it didn't do what I want. But is there anyway to totally bypass it?
But this is a standard 2 loop switcher, each footswitch toggling a single loop. To turn on A+B you would have to hit both, or one, depending on what you currently have on.

I think what you want is 1 footswitch to toggle between A and B, and 1 footswitch to turn on both A+B. This Loopmaster model does it, with an additional master bypass (which is quite necessary IMO) http://www.loop-master.com/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=90
Don't let the name "Clean/Dirty Effects Switcher" confuse you, it will do exactly what you need for A/B and A+B
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Yeah, but the switching is a lot more complex internally. Normal loopers are super simple. I would go for the local options since you mentioned you got some quotes, but just double check with them that it does exactly what you want. Very easy to get mixed up with the terminology for all these switches.
The link you sent me was for the mini TBP box, not the dual one, maybe that was why I thought it didn't do what I want. But is there anyway to totally bypass it?

Err you have to click on the 'scroller' to open up options for the dual loop.
You need to stomp twice but the pedal is pretty small and these sorta thing I assume is for live purposes right? Likely you're wearing shoes and it'll be pretty easy to stomp both together.
I'm just giving options mate.. I was looking for one before and found the loop master pricey as well. No longer need it because I run in stereo not mono now. Also I believe it's part and parcel of being a guitarist to manipulate your effects to suit the music. Sometimes I turn off 3 pedals and turn on 2 pedals to get to the chorus but it can be done.
Oh shoots, sorry didn't click on that one. Yes the loopmaster one's quite ex. My only concern with this one is the LEDs and the build time+shipping, that's why sourcing out for local builders right now. haah
I got a 2 channel looper from ty. Dont be lazy to stomp on 2 switches at the same time, in the end, it'll save you some moolah. Got mine $100.

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